Clay Jensen [4]

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Your POV 

I sat on the sofa in the living room alone, watching some random film. The house was empty as my parents were both at work until late tonight and my brother, Jeff, was having tutoring with some boy called Clay. I knew his name as Jeff would speak about him on occasion. I had seen him a few times in school as he was in my year but we had never actually spoke to each other. 

I was pulled away from my thoughts by a rattle of keys and the front door opening. I glanced over my shoulder, spotting Jeff and Clay.
"I thought you got tutored in the library." I paused my film and looked and the boys.
"We got kicked out because we were too noisy." Jeff shrugged.
"You were too noisy, not me." Clay pointed out and I laughed at his comment.
"Anyway, you stay here whilst I go to the toilet real quick." Jeff told Clay, disappearing off upstairs.

Clay awkwardly stood in silence before I spoke up.
"I've seen you around school before," I said, "We've never actually spoke. I'm Y/N, Jeff's younger sister."
"Ah, I'm Clay." He smiled, "You're in a few of my classes."
"Yeah, I'm surprised we haven't spoken before. I mean you seem like my type of person, like you seem pretty cool." I  replied and Clay laughed lightly.
"I mean I don't know if I would exactly call myself 'cool' more socially awkward but thanks." Clay grinned, causing me to laugh.
"Honestly same. Like everyone thinks that just because my brother is Jeff, I should be this super confident person and in reality I'm just a socially awkward mess." I shook my head causing Clay to laugh along with me.
"Anyway maybe as we are both socially awkward we can be friends." I suggested, "Look take my number and text me."
I opened my hand and Clay took the signal, handing me his phone. I smiled as I created a new contact on his phone. I handed it back to him and he laughed.
"Aha 'Socially awkward human' sounds about right." He laughed reading the name I had given myself on his phone.
"At least you'll remember to text me when you see that name." I shrugged my shoulders.

At this point I heard the bathroom door open and Jeff shout down the stairs to Clay.
"Hey Clay I'm done now, let's get this dreaded maths started." He shouted down.
"I'll text you later, enjoy your film." He gestured towards the TV and made his way upstairs.
I turned back around and began to play my film again. I smiled thinking about how I had actually spoke to Clay and I hoped we would become good friends.

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