Justin Foley [6]

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A/N-New Book!
If you didn't read my last authors note, I decided to start a story called 'Bad Reputation' and it is about Monty. I would really appreciate it if you would go onto my profile and check it out. 

Your POV

I walked down the corridor of Liberty with my best friend Monty. My and my boyfriend...well now ex-boyfriend, Justin, had broke up about a week ago and I missed him so much. He was the love of my life and he left me without even telling me why. All I wanted was to be in his arms again, happy. I couldn't think about anything else apart from him.
"Hey earth to Y/N." Monty waved his hand in front of my face, "Stop thinking about him."
"I'm sorry...It's just, I really loved him Monty. I need him." I frowned.
I thought for a second before an idea popped in my head.
"Wait." I paused, smirking slightly.
"Oh god what?" Monty looked worried, "That smirk can't mean anything good, I know you."
"I have an idea!" I said, "You know Justin always hated our friendship and worried you were going to make a move on me?"
"Yeah..." Monty raised his brow.
"Well, maybe we can make him jealous." I suggested.
"And how are we going to do that?" Monty shook his head and laughed lightly.
"Umm...Oh, I've got it! Just make out with me." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Really Y/N? I've known you since I was like 4 that's disgusting." He laughed.
"Oh shut up it doesn't mean anything, I'll pay for our next Rosies if you do it." I offered.
"Ugh fine deal." Monty gave in.
"Thank you! Okay so just walk up behind me after I get to my locker and we'll do it there. They always stand there." I said and Monty nodded.

With that, I walked around the corner, away from Monty and towards my locker. Just as I thought, all of the jocks apart from Monty were stood just a metre away from my locker. I confidently made my way over to my locker and unlocked it, putting my books in. I could feel eyes staring at me and I quickly glanced, noticing Justin looking at me. The moment I looked at him he looked away. I took a look behind me for a second, noticing Monty walking down the corridor towards me. I quickly shut my locker and pulled my bag onto my shoulder, waiting for Monty. At that moment I felt someones presence behind me and I turned around, so my body was just inches away from Monty's. I could feel all of the jocks watching Monty and I's every move and without a single word, Monty pushed me up against the locker and pressed his lips firmly against mine. I tried to get the thought of who it was out of my mind as I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him towards me. His hands stayed on either side of the locker and our lips moved in sync. After a second, I felt Monty get pushed away from me violently.

"What the fuck man!" Monty growled and the boy who had pushed him.
"Leave her the fuck alone!" Justin hissed and I laughed lightly.
"Who said you have a say anymore? Remember you are the one who broke up with me." I shrugged my shoulders and I saw Justin's face turn bright red.
 Without another word, he stormed down the corridor. I turned to Monty and whispered a thanks before following Justin down the corridor. Monty went over to the other jocks to explain what was going on.

"Hey, what's your problem?" I shouted down the carpark to Justin.
"Him? Really Y/N?" He laughed and shook his head in disgust.
"As I said Justin you broke up with me. You have no reason to be jealous." I walked closer to him.
"Well I'm sorry but I'm really FUCKING jealous okay!" He groaned, "I should be the one doing that, not him!"
"Well, why isn't it you? Why did you break up with me?" I choked, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.
"Look it's complicated." He sighed.
"It's complicated? You're FUCKING complicated Justin Foley!" I rolled my eyes, "YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE...and you won't even tell me why you don't love me anymore."
"Y/N I do love you, so much, and that's why I broke up with you." He paused and I flashed him a confused look, "Seth kept making suggestive comments about you and I didn't want you getting hurt. I thought breaking up would mean you wouldn't have to be near him."
"Oh Justin." I walked towards him and embraced him in a tight hug, "I love you okay and I want to be with you. We will work out the whole Seth situation but I want to be with you."
"Okay." He smiled slightly, "I love you Y/N."
"And I love you too Justin." I smiled.
"Also," I giggled, "That whole Monty thing was to make you jealous. I knew out of anyone you would hate him and I the most." 
"You are evil." He jokingly frowned.
"Hey it worked." I shrugged my shoulders, "I've known him since I was like 4, if I was going to fall in love with him I would've years ago."
"True." He said, "Anyway, do you want to skip and go do something.
"My parents are out so we can go to mine." I smirked, grabbing his hand and leading him to my car.

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