Jeff Atkins [3]

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Y/F/M=Your Favourite Movie 

Your POV

I pulled my covers up, engulfing myself in the warmth, attempting to stop myself from constantly shivering. Even simply opening my eyes to the tiny bit of sun that was creeping through the crack of my shut curtains caused my head to violently throb. I began feeling ill in the early hours of the morning and hours later I felt so much worse.

My phone pinged, causing my head to throb once again. I rolled onto my side and reached across, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. I smiled as his name flashed across my screen and I read his text.
Jeff-Hey princess, I'll be at yours in about 10 to pick you up. Love you xx

I rubbed my eyes and quickly typed a reply back to my boyfriend.
Me-Sorry I'm not coming in today, woke up feeling really ill. Love you too xx

*Time Skip*

Closing my eyes for what only felt like a few seconds, I awoke to a tall figure sat on the edge of my bed, scrolling through their phone. After my eyes adjusted I recognized the figure and smiled slightly.
"What are you doing here Jeff?" I croaked out, "You should be in school."
"Oh, you are awake." Jeff smiled, "I did text you and it's only one day off shh. You're more important to me anyway."
His words sent a blush straight to my cheeks, "Awh you are so  sweet."
"Anyway, I went to the shops on the way over and..." Jeff paused, picking up a bag, "I bought painkillers for you, they might help."
Jeff opened the packet and popped a couple out of the sachet, handing them to me. He dug back into the bag once more, pulling out a bottle of water and he opened it for me.
"Here take them and they should start working soon." Jeff handed me the bottled water and I muttered a 'thanks' before swallowing the pills and gulping some of the water.
"Also..." Jeff rummaged back into the bag, "I bought your favorite snacks as I thought you deserved them."
He picked the items out of the bag and went to hand them to me, pulling them away just out of my grasp before I could grab them.
"Heyyy." I groaned, slight smirk plastered on my face.
"I thought we could share them and cuddle up to watch a movie or something?" He smiled, letting me grab the snacks.
"Sounds amazing...but I'm ill and I don't want you catching whatever bug I have." I sighed.
"Spending time cuddled up with you would be worth the risk of me getting sick." He shrugged his shoulders, pulling off his jacket and shoes, crawling under the covers beside me.
Almost as an instinctive response, my arms wrapped tightly around his torso and my head rested on him.
"We can watch Y/F/M if you want?" He said, grabbing my laptop from on the edge of the bed, "Where is the disk?"
"In my laptop." I laughed slightly, "I watch it so often so I never really take it out."

Jeff just shook his head and laughed as he powered up my laptop and began to play the movie.

*Time Skip*

As the credits rolled over the screen I looked up at my boyfriends who's eyes I expected to be locked onto the laptop screen but were instead looking at me.
"Feeling any better?" He ran his hair through my tangled hair, calming me slightly.
"A bit yeah thank you." I smiled, "Really Jeff, thank you for coming over and taking care of me. If it wasn't for you I would still be cocooned in my blankets in the pitch-black feeling sorry for myself."
"It's fine princess, that's what I'm here for." He smiled.

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