Clay Jensen [2]

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Your POV 

I sat on my bed with my boyfriend Clay, scrolling through Instagram on my phone.
"Y/N?" Clay put his phone down and looked at me.
"Hmm." I hummed in response.
"I'm bored." He huffed and I put my phone down, looking at him.
"Well what do you want to do?" I asked him.
"Umm I don't know what do you have to do in this room?" He asked.
"Uhhh..." I thought for a second before an idea popped into my mind, "OH I KNOW! You can do my makeup!"
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me, "You don't need it, you look beautiful anyway."
"Awh thanks." I blushed, "But it could be fun. We can call it a bonding experience. Pleaseeeee?"
"Ugh fine." Clay gave in.

*Time Skip*

"What even is this?" Clay asked, picking up my retractable eyebrow pencil and twisting it all the way up.
"Oh my god don't do that, it will break!" I laughed, grabbing it off of him and rolling it back down, handing it back after.
"Right, sorry." He laughed, taking the pencil and beginning to draw with it.

After only a few seconds, I felt him move onto my other brow and I let out a laugh.
"What?" He asked, finishing off my other brow.
"It's just...When I do my brows it takes like 20 minutes and you were done in 30 seconds." I grinned.
"20 MINUTES!" He repeated, slightly shocked.
I nodded and he just gave me a surprised look.

*Time Skip*

"What have I missed?" He examined my face, "Oh the glittery thing that makes your cheeks all shiny."
"Oh my god, 'the glittery thing' is called highlighter." I laughed, handing him a highlighter palette.
"Oh right yeah." He looked at the palette, grabbing the completely wrong brush for it.
He dipped the brush into three of the four shades and applied it to my whole cheek. I giggled as he applied it, knowing full well that I was going to look like the tin man after Clay was finished. He dipped the brush once again, applying the product to my nose and even a bit on my forehead.
"You are done." He put the makeup down and looked at me, "It looks...Abstract?"
"Oh god." I said, picking up a mirror.

I looked at myself, examining the makeup  and smiled slightly, "You know what, it's not too bad."
"Really?" He smiled.
"I mean the brows could be a bit more even and I think you put on a bit too much highlight, but for your first try its pretty decent. It's probably better than the first time I did makeup." I said, "I mean the eyeshadow is genuinely really good and my skin looks flawless."
"You are flawless. I had a perfect canvas to thank for it going somewhat okay." He smiled."
"Awh you are so sweet." I smiled and engulfed him in a tight embrace.

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