protection (part one)

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You woke up from a bad dream, like every other night. They were either about your mom, that you never met, or you dying on a hunt. When your mom died, you were an infant and Sam and Dean took care of you.

You got up from your bed and went into the kitchen in the bunker. You went in the fridge, scavenging for anything you could find. You didn't eat dinner because you got home from a hunt really late.

As you were looking in the fridge, you heard a clash in the library.

"Sam, Dean?" You raise your voice.

"No, just me." You hear a familiar voice echo from the library. You walked in, and it was Cas picking up a bunch of books on the wooden floor that he dropped.

"What are you doing up?" He questioned you, as you were walking up to help him.

"Couldn't sleep." You simply answered. You would die for a good night sleep. You wanted sleep. The dreams that you have kept you from sleeping, and it sucked.

"I'm sorry about that." He says in a distressing tone.

"It's okay, I get used to it." You mumbled.

As you were picking up the books, you hear footsteps coming up behind you.

"I know, Dean. We have to find out why a demon is killing all of these innocent people." You hear Sam say to Dean who is reading a book of spells.

"Ugh, when did this become our problem, at 2am." Dean wined, looking at his watch.

"Since we promised Dad we'd finish the hunting job by ourselves." You mumbled, into their conversation.

"Yeah, well Dad can go......"

"Dean!" Sam squealed.

Dean looks at Sam, acting like he did nothing wrong, shrugging his shoulders.

You leave Cas picking up the rest of the books and head over to Sam who was sitting down at the table, opening his laptop.

"What now?" You let out a big sigh, grabbing a chair and sitting it down next to Sam.

"Something or someone is killing innocent people. They leave these marks on them." Dean says in a little hostile voice, making him sound uneasy.

Cas comes up beside you and Sam and peeks over the screen.

"Not a something, a someone." Cas says, while studying the laptop.

"Someone? You know who?" Dean asked Cas.

"Yes. Sadly." Cas grimed.

As Cas was explaining about the case, Dean sped walked over to you guys, snatching the laptop from Sam.

"Hey!" Sam says frustrated.

"Oh, let me do something useful for once on the laptop." Dean shoots.

Sam rolls his eyes, leaning back on the chair, crossing his arms.

"How do you know?" You questioned Cas.

"I've seen this piece of work before. Black shot eyes, a single slice on their neck, leaving them to die." Cas goes on and on about the picture on one of the victims shown on the screen.

"Yeah, and? Who is it?" Sam curiously asked Cas.

"I have to do this by myself. It's personal." Cas looks at the screen again, then looks at you.

"Personal?" You asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'll be right back. All of you stay here."

All of a sudden, Cas disappears into thin air. You hated when he does that unannounced or comes up behind you unannounced, scaring the crap outta you.

"Cas!" Dean raged.

"What did he mean, personal?" You were still a little curious about what Cas meant, 'personal'

"Should we find out?" Sam asks in a calm voice, but when we are caught into Castiel's "mess", nothing turns out well, but we're Winchester's, nothing goes well...

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