midnight driving fights

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Heading to a small town in Wisconsin for a case you caught with Sam and Dean, you were slowly falling asleep in the back of the Impala as AC/DC was almost on mute on the radio. With Dean driving and Sam in shotgun, you could feel Sams eyes turn to you to watch you doze off.

"What?" You questioned with a grin, not opening your eyes.

"Haven't seen you slept that peacefully since you were a kid." Sam jokes.

"Yeah? Well, you just ruined it." You shot open your eyes to Sam, having Sam be blurry by your eyes being droopy. You let out a tired yawn and set your head back again, really trying to fall asleep this time.

Suddenly, you hear a whoosh and a slight breeze hit your whole body and you reacted with shivering. Your eyes opened up again and you glanced over to the right, revealing Cas. Your whole body jumped, not realizing.

"Damn it, Cas. What did we talk about you just popping out of nowhere?" Dean angrily spat and gave a glare at Cas through the rear view mirror. Cas was just sitting there patiently waiting for Dean to quit whining.

"Sorry, forgot." Cas simply answered, not caring. You let a slight chuckle escape your lips.

"Go back to sleep." Dean demanded you, heading your chuckle. You shot Dean a disgust look in the mirror.

"I'm not tired." Your voice turned childish, mocking the opposite of Deans voice.

"Glad I stopped by to see you two fight." Cas sarcastically sighed, crossing his arms.

"What are you even doing here?" You questioned, having Sam and Dean confused as well.

"Because I'm a Angel. I can go wherever I please." Cas simply answered. You rolled your eyes, annoyed that Cas even said that.

"Hm." You hummed. "Interesting." Cas shot you a bitch face.

"Not when it's in Baby." Dean peaked his head back and groaned.

"Not when it's in Baby." You mocked Dean in a childish voice.

"Really, Y/N?" Dean shot back a look to you in annoyance.

You chuckled lightly, glancing over at Sam who couldn't help but smile by your reactions.

"Sam, really? She's just being immature." Dean states to Sam.

"I wonder where she got that from." Cas whispered to you, empathizing on "that." You bursted out laughing, having Dean try to attack you with one hand on the wheel.

"I have childish friends." Cas spoke towards Sam.

"I had to deal with this my whole life." Sam wined to Cas.

"Hey, focus on the case." You shot over at Sam whose face was lit up by his Ipad.

"Y/N-" Cas groaned at you.

"I'm not doing anything. They're the ones who are being childish, not me!" You raised your voice, sighing heavily.

"Anything on the case?" Dean changed the subject over to Sam.

"There was a missing persons report." Sam informed all of us.

"Really? There was just one missing three hours ago. Damn, whatever this is, it's moving quickly." You surprisingly spoke.

"We need to speed this up before it turns awry." Sam notified all of us in the car.

"We could've taken my car but Dean wanted to take the trash car." You rolled your eyes, revealing Deans eyes in the rear-view mirror.

"What is wrong with Baby? She was my first car!" Dean screeched.

"We always got to stop in the middle of nowhere and fix it. The pipes, her tires are always flat-"

"Maybe it's because she hears your whining and wants to crash!" Dean yelled back and you immediately turned red, rising your butt from the seat to smack Deans head. Cas grabbed your waist to sit you down. You fought by tensing your muscles, but Cas was too strong.

You grunt as Cas pulled you back down.

"What is wrong with you two?" Sam questioned with some anger in his voice.

"Y/N, apologize to Dean." Cas gently spoke, asking you in a nice way.


Cas narrowed his eyes at you, groaning to yourself.

"Sorry." You clenched your teeth, crossing your arms.

"Y/N-" Sam shot.

"Sorry, okay?" You chuckled, thinking that this whole thing turned funny.

Dean laughed as well but Sam and Cas glanced at both of you guys thinking you two were crazy.

"I'll never understand the Winchester's." Cas shook his head over at you.

You let out a slight yawn and covered it with your hands. "Maybe I should get some sleep. Roasting Dean made me even more exhausted." You smirked to Dean.

"You call that roasting?" Dean shot back.

"Yeah. I did a pretty damn good job." You smiled with your head held high.

"You two arguing makes me want to crash this car." Sam grunted under his breath.

"You Winchester's." Cas repeated himself, fixing his trench coat. You grinned over to Cas and he returned it.

Having the rest of the car ride be silent, you immediately fell asleep on Cas's lap.

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