Having two back to back cases kick your butts, and having Lilith destroy the Equalizer, you , Sam and Dean were on the verge of running out of ideas.
Morning struck the bunker as you and Sam were sitting in the kitchen as you were reading a book and Sam doing some research on his tablet.
"Hey." Dean waltzed in with a box of cereal in his hand. He had his hot dog pajamas on and you were happy to see him like that.
"Hey." Sam greets as you just study Dean, trying to laugh.
"You know they still put, um, jokes on the backs of these things. Listen to this one... What's round and bad-tempered? "A vicious circle." 'Cause it's..." Dean shoved a handful back into his mouth.
"Yeah, I... I... Wait a second, did you eat the whole box?" You questioned, scoffing of laugher.
"Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm a champion." Dean grinned.
"Wait a second. So I've been looking for signs of... of God or... or Lilith, and you've been in your room, eating cereal." Sam lightly chuckled, sighing to his tablet.
"And marathoning "Scooby-Doo". Well, did you find anything?" Dean asked, leaning over Sam to read the article.
"No, not yet." You answered for Sam, knowing it was useless to search.
"Shocker." Dean scoffed. You shot Dean a look as he eats cereal out of a fresh box of Muesli, spits it out, and instaed grabs another box of Cocoa Crunch.
"Hey, did you notice anything weird just now when you came in?" You questioned, leaving Sam confused as well.
"No. Why, did you have another one of your visions?" Dean asked.
"No. I haven't had a vision since Colorado. I think maybe they stopped." You told them, a little freaked out.
"Oh, I doubt it. Not until Chuck gets his end game, you know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Abel 2.0. This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. Wouldn't be too worried about finding him. He'll find us." Dean nodded surely, taking a sip of your coffee on the table. You grimaced at the fact and sighed.
You and Dean were sitting in the bunker library but suddenly, Sam came in with a familiar face."So, you were in Hell? You didn't make a deal. You were innocent. You've been down there this whole time?" You questioned Eileen.
"The Hellhound that killed me kind of dragged me there." She explained.
"Damn." Dean mumbled.
0Yeah, um, she escaped when, uh, Chuck blew all the doors open, and then..."
"I hauled ass. Far as I could." Eileen grins.
"So by the time we got the barrier up, you were already gone." Dean confirmed.
"Been trying to get you guys to see me for a while now. This whole ghost thing doesn't really come with a handbook. Look, I don't know how all this works, but I know how it ends. We go crazy. We hurt people. I can't stay here, and I won't go back down there. So I thought... You guys know angels. Maybe if you put in a good word, you know, up there..."
You interrupted Eileen, "Eileen, even if we did, it wouldn't matter. Souls from Hell can't go to Heaven. A friend of ours just found that out. I'm sorry." You apologized.
"Yeah. Me too." She immediately turned sad.
You walked out of the library into the hallway to your room but Sams hand that was placed on you made you turn towards him.
"Nice, sis. Real sensitive." Sam sarcastically hit.
"You want me to sugarcoat it?" You asked, scoffing.
"No, I don't want... of course not. But, Dean..."
"There may be an Option B. Do we have any of those soul catchers, you know, like the ones we used in Harlan?" You reminded Sam.
"You want to trap Eileen in a prison full of psycho ghosts?" Sam asked in a 'no way that's happening' tone.
"No, no, no. Not with them. We'd... We'd make her her own, you know? Look, it's better than where she was, and it's better than where she's going." You explain.
"Y/N, that spell... it's not exactly easy." Sam doubts the plan.
"Okay, but, you know, you're like, uh, Rowena's protégé. You're a regular Ginger Jr." You grinned uneasily.
"Even if I could, I would need a crystal. I mean, those were Rowena's thing." Sam uneasily chucked.
"Okay. Look, man, this blows. I get it. I don't make the rules. A soul from Hell can't go to Heaven." You reminded Sam, knowing he hated it.
"All right, look, if it's what Eileen wants, then... Maybe we can go to Rowena's place and look for a crystal, or something. I've been meaning to go there anyways after, uh... You know." Sam stopped uneasily mid sentence.
"Great. Do that." You nodded, patting him on the chest. You turned to walk but Sam stopped you.
"Wait, wait. You're not coming with?" Sam questioned you.
"It's a milk run. Besides, ask Dean." You shook it off.
"You're... You know what, Dean, ever since God got back, you've been acting like there's nothing we can do, like nothing matters, but we can do this. Man, this matters." Sam sternly told you.
"And that's why you're gonna kick it in the ass." You smiled again, turning back to return to your room.