golden time (y/n version part two)

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Having Sam and Eileen scoping out Rowenas place and Dean helping out a fellow hunter with a case, you decided to stay back at the bunker to have your mind cleared.

Sitting in the bunker library, you read so many books you were so bored.

Suddenly becoming hungry, you walked into the kitchen, hearing a phone ring in the corner.

Your face was puzzled because it was on a phone you only used for being an FBI agent. You glanced at it before answering and spoke on the phone.

"This is Assistant Director Kaiser." You simply introduced yourself, listening carefully.

"Uh... This is Sheriff Alden Roy. Just checking on Agent Worley." You immediately understood what was happening. Cas was going at a case and being the FBI agent he is, the main sheriff didn't believe him.

You rolled your eyes, "Would you put my agent on the phone please?"

Over the phone, you heard the sheriff talk to Cas.

"He wants to talk to you."

"Hello?" Castiel's voice immediately soothed your worries away. Hearing his voice and knowing he was okay made you less worry about him. But, you were too stubborn to care at the moment.

"Cas. Sam's been trying to call you." You sighed into the phone.

"I know." Cas simply told you, not in the mood to talk.

"Did you check his messages?" You asked, annoyed.

"Nope." Cas was giving you the short leash but you didn't care.

"Right. Smart. Why would you? Look, I don't know if you care or not, but, uh... God... Chuck... is back on the board, so watch yourself. And check your damn messages." You hung up the phone angrily, slamming it back down.

Realizing being at home didn't help, you decided to check on Sams location on the tablet to keep yourself busy and to not lose your mind.

You grunted as you sat in the chair, stalking Sam and Dean with Eileen.

You felt like an awful person. Treating Sam and Dean like crap, following by Cas. You knew everything Cas has done he didn't mean nor to hurt you. You were angry at the world, at Chuck for taking over your life that you have no control of.

In a split decision, you decided to get off your ass and help Sam with this. Getting inside the truck outside, you headed over to Rowenas place, having a sense that something might go wrong.

Finally arriving at Rowena's apartment, you heard unfamiliar voices echoed through the room. Suddenly, you feel an unwelcome presence behind you and you turn with the gun pointed at her.

"Don't move." You demanded. Having her lead to your two brothers, you barged in with Witch mother at gunpoint.

"Witch-killing bullets." You grinned.

"Y/N, wait, she's..."

The girl stabs the voodoo doll, and Sam collapses in agony.

"Let her go, or he dies." The little girl attempted to torment you and you couldn't help but scoff.

You chuckled lightly, "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a little bit of a stand-off. Two on two."

The lights suddenly flicker having your breath freeze, and Jacinda's ghost appears and flings you down the hall.

"More like two on three." She mocked.

Sam swats the doll away from Emily, but the Witch Mother begins hexing him, causing him pain, wile the other two close on you.

Emily picks up the doll and twists it violently. Eileen appears between Jacinda and you, and flings her down the hallway.

"Not today, bitch." Eileen grinned

"About time." You shot up from the ground and pat Eileen on the shoulder, "Thanks."

Eileen grins and nods at you, and then flickers and reappears beside Jacinda in Rowena's apartment.

You are able to retrieve the gun and you shot Emily in the chest, and the Witch Mother turns her attention on you.

"I'll grind your heart to dust." The witch mother threatened.

Sam tackles the Witch Mother, and pulls out a tiny hex bag.

"You... How?" She stuttered.

"I learned from the best." Sam chuckled.

Sam crams it in her mouth and recites a spell.

You immediately noticed Eileen is still fighting with Jacinda's ghost.


"Her... Her body!" Eileen yelped.

You doused her body in alcohol and pulls out your lighter

"Come on." You grunt as it was struggling to light up. You finally get the fire on and light up Jacinda's ghost and it suddenly begins to burn.


Back at the bunker, you and Dean sit with your feet up drinking a beer, chatting about the situation you and Sam took on.

"How's Eileen?" Dean questioned.

"She, uh... She's asleep. She had a big day." Sam lightly answered, barely shooting a look at you.

"Well, so did you. Hex bags. New body. So, what, are you some kind of witch now?" Dean chuckled.

You roll a beer across the table to Sam as he sits down, glancing up at you quickly. You smiled lightly.

"Nah, I got lucky." Sam opened up the beer and took a giant swig.

"Yeah. I just wish we knew about that spell for Mom. You guys did good today, man. I did jack." Dean snorted.

"Yeah, me too." You smirked.

"You killed a witch, saved my ass." Sam looked up at you, confused on why you would say that.

"Yeah, I guess so." You shrugged, taking a sip of the beer.

"You know what, I've been thinking about something you said, about how we don't make the rules, and you're right. We don't. We never have. But that doesn't mean we can just give up." Sam turned to you as you took your feet off the table.

"Oh, come on, bro." You winced at the pain of your shoulder once more, hiding it from Dean and Sam.

"We have moves to make here, guys. We do. I mean, you think Chuck wanted Y/N to shoot him? Of course not." Sam mentioned.

"You sure about that? Maybe that was part of the plan, you know? That's the thing, guys. I don't know what's God and what isn't, and it's driving me crazy." You sighed out, setting down your beer.

"All I'm saying is we'll find a way to beat him. We will. I don't know how yet, but we will 'cause we're the guys who break the rules. But I can't do it without you, Y/N. I can't. Just like I couldn't do it today without you. I need my sister on this. I need both of you on it." Sam shot a look at you and Dean, followed by you and Dean sharing a look.

"I'm sorry, okay? That I've been distant with cases, with you and Dean. I don't mean it, I don't. I'm just lost with mom gone, with Cas leaving and probably not coming back. This is all my fault and I don't know how to deal with it anymore so I thought pushing you and Dean away was the best option and now I'm seeing that it wasn't, okay? I'm sorry." You let out, wiping away a tear from your cheek. "I love you both and I can't see this going anywhere good." You added, looking up at your brothers who were hurt you were feeling this way.

"You need to let us know when you're feeling like this, Y/N. We can't help you if you don't tell us. We're your brothers, we're here to protect you." Dean turned to you, glaring down at you to let you know he's serious.

"Okay, I promise." You nodded, really sure this time that you will. "Now, let's go find God."

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