old 'friend' (part two)

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"Wake up, Y/N!" You feel your bag being thrown at you as you were sound asleep in the back of the impala.

"What the heck, Sam." You grunted, followed by a yawn.

"We're here." Deans voice didn't seem amused by the place. You shot up, revealing that Cas was next to you.

"Oh, God!" You screeched, having the sight of him scare you. "Would've been nice to let me know you were here." You annoyingly shot.

"Nice to see you too, Y/N." Cas shot back. You glared down Cas but the voice of Sam turned your eyes towards him.

"Will you two love birds quit it?" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Why did it have to be here?" Sam wined. You glance out the window, revealing your old high school you and Sam went to.

"Are you kidding me? Sam, why didn't you tell us!" You screeched, thumping Sam upside the head.

"Hey, you know what-"

"Guys, come on!" Cas jumped in and immediately stopped you two from beginning world war three in the impala.

"This is a bad idea." You worryingly state, "What if some of the teachers remember us, huh?" You hit Sam's head again and he immediately turned annoyed. "They'll question us why we left with no warning!"

"Will you stop hitting my head?" He snapped.

"Y/N's right, Sam. What if some teachers do?" Dean asked again but in a more calm tone.

"I looked up the teachers and staff. All the teachers we had are all gone. We're fine." Sam assures. "And there's the new principal, Miss Winters." Sam pulled out his tablet and began to read, "She has been principal here for five years now."

"It's lunch time, now. This is a good time to question some of the teachers and staff. Come on, let's go." Sam opened his side of the impala door and quickly went to the trunk. You followed him and secretly got your badge from your purse and threw your bag in the trunk. You grabbed a pistol and a demon blade and hid that in your pocket of your blazer.

"Sam and I will question the principal. You and Cas, go question some teachers and see if there was any weird vibes." Dean instructed.

You walked up the steps to the school, remembering everything instantly. You and Sammy being constantly bullied for being outcasts, Sam being shoved in lockers and you being picked on by the popular girls. You reached the front entrance of the school as Cas opened the door for you to walk in.

"God, this brings back memories I didn't want to remember." You scoffed, seeing the same old lockers you used, classrooms looking the same and the walls were all peeling with dry paint.

"I'm glad I didn't have a high school experience." Cas mumbled to you.

"Didn't learn jack shi-" Suddenly, a man that looked like a teacher caught your eye. He stood there, talking to another teacher you assumed by how they were dressed. Your eyes widened, remembering who it was.

"Cas!" You harshly whispered and pushed him into a empty classroom.

"What?" Cas questioned your strange behavior.

"No, no. This cannot be happening! Oh, God." You rambled as your feet were speeding around the classroom.

"Y/N-" Cas stopped you by grabbing your hips. You stood there, speechless. Suddenly, the door handle was rumbling and it immediately revealed someone you thought you let go a long time ago.

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