big brother duties (part two)

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Waking up in a cold sweat in a familiar bed, your eyes opened slowly, revealing your ceiling. You blinked your eyes a couple of times to open them up more widely, revealing someone's hand with a damp towel. They smeared it across your sweaty forehead and wiping down the cuts. You glanced over with one of your eyes almost shutting again, revealing Sam and Dean.

"Thanks." You whispered, trying to adjust yourself to sit up position in your bed but Sam and Dean stopped you midway.

"Hey, just lay down." Dean softly pushed you back down.

"I'm good." You put pressure in the opposite direction of Sams hand that was on your chest to push you back down to lay down. Achieving to, you spoke lightly.

"Michael?" You questioned.

"Disappeared." Dean answered in a low tone.

"God." You wiped your cheeks with both hands harshly, grunting.

"We have a plan." Sam acknowledged, trying to make the situation better.

"Plan? Yeah, right." You scoffed. You tugged your blanket off of you and shot them a signal for them to move out of the way. They obliged.

"It's a good plan." Dean turned to you with attitude as you headed out of your room. You heard footsteps follow you.

"Just leave me out of it. I'm done." You shot as you held your hand up for Sam and Dean to see.

"Done?" Sam asked, confused.

You turned your aching body to them, "Yes, done!" You raised your voice. "I'm done with Michael. We can never defeat him. I'm not throwing my whole life away for that scumbag." You angrily shook your head.

"Y/N, this plan will wo-"

"No it won't, Dean!" You shouted. You immediately regretted shouting at them. You hated when your emotions took it out on them. You sighed, running your fingers through your h/c hair. "I just need this to be over. I can't go back." You sniffed, wiping away the escaped tear.

"We are going to protect you, Y/N. You know we will." Sam assured, walking to you to comfort you.

"We are going to do this together.

"Yeah, we can do this." Sam added in.

"Okay." You nodded simply, tugging away from Sam. Your eyes wandered to Dean who's gaze stared at you in worry.

"Can we do it tomorrow because I'm beat." You shrugged your shoulders back, having them be tired as well.

"I thought you would never ask." Sam plopped himself on the couch and leaned back.

Deans stare continues, having your face stare at him back in confusion. He stopped instantly and clapped his hands once. "Alright, we'll go on the road tomorrow." Dean smiled awkwardly to both you and Sam, heading up to his room.

"Did he seem weird to you?" You curiously asked Sam who was clonked out on the couch. You chuckle lightly and grabbed a blanket that was hung up on the couch. You spread it out to fit Sam perfectly and covered him up.

Meanwhile, your bedroom was right next to Deans so you decided to stop by his room. You knocked on the door twice and he answered rather quickly.

"Mind to share why you were giving me that look?" You jumped bluntly right into it.

"The look? Y/N, I have many looks. The bitch face, the-"

"It was a look you never gave me before." You shot, serious about it. You crossed your arms to let Dean know you were.

"I just don't know if I'm strong enough to defeat Michael, that's all." Dean lies right through his teeth and you caught it immediately.

"Dean, cut the bullshit, come on." You were getting a little irritated by which Dean was hiding something from you.

Dean just shot you that look again. You sighed heavily and annoyingly. "Dean." You sternly narrow your tired bloodshot eyes at him.

"You always put us in danger, Y/N. How the hell did Michael even show up in the bunker?" Dean yelped at you, turning it all on you.

"What?" You squeaked. "Are you blaming me?" You pointed to yourself, shocked.

"I'm not blaming you, it's just a coincidence that me and Sammy are always saving you from dumb stuff you put yourself into." Dean elaborated, shooting you the bitch face look.

"Sounds like a blame to me, asshole." You shot angrily. "You just said that everything we do, we do together. Was that all an act for me and Sammy to believe? Because if it was, congrats. A+ on getting me to believe that shit." You scoffed, having your heart literally broken.

"That's the thing, Y/N. You don't understand!" Dean shouted.

"Tell me. What don't I understand?!" You squealed back at him, surprised that Sam hasn't woke up yet.

"If I lose you, Y/N. My world would be over!" Dean yelled back at you, one single tear shedding on his cheeks. He wiped it away immediately not showing how he was really feeling. "I can't let anything happen to you. Me and Sammy made a promise to dad to protect you no matter what and I feel like I failed you. Miserably." Dean sighed, telling by his facial expression he has been holding that in. He plopped himself on his bed, palms wiping away the tears.

"You have not failed me, Dean. Why would you say that?" You questioned him, really trying to understand. 

"I've almost lost you so many times, one day we might not get so lucky." Dean honestly spoke.

"Dean, you will never lose me, okay? I'm here always." You assured Dean, placing your hand on his, resting your head on his shoulders.

"I won't be able to take it. Neither will Sammy. If something does happen to you-"

"Then I don't want you nor Sammy to blame yourselves. I chose this life, remember? Sure, I had straight A's, heading to Stanford but no, I chose hunting because it's something that I needed to carry on for dad. For us to carry on for dad." You rephrased, lifting your head from Deans shoulders.

"You could've been something, Y/N. A doctor. Someone who could cure cancer. You know, saving lives." Dean acknowledged you.

"I'm saving lives everyday, one step at a time. With my brothers." You assured Dean. "Couldn't ask for more."

"Don't you ever regret your decision?" Dean asked.

"Honestly, yes I do. I also think of the people I wouldn't of had met. Castiel, Bobby, Jack, Charlie, even Rowena I guess." You chuckled, having Dean do the same. "All of them changed my life for the better and I don't think I would have it any way." You smiled, lifting up Deans chin and staring at him. "I don't want you to worry about me, okay?" Your eyes narrowed at his as he glanced down.

Dean nodded, standing up and throwing himself at you for a hug. His hug always dominates yours but you didn't mind. You grabbed him tightly and hugged him like it was your last because honestly, you never knew.

But you wouldn't change this life for anything else.

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