our father who arent in heaven (y/n version part three)

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Back at the bunker, Michael was pacing back and fourth, wondering why he was here.

"Even for you especially for you, this is stupid." Michael pointed to you, shaking his head.

"Good to see you, too Mike." You smiled sarcastically.

"Y/N, you look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage..." Michael scanned your whole body up and down, making you turn uncomfortable.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. We need your help. God..." You shook it off, looking Michael straight in the eyes.

"I've heard. Repeatedly." Michael sighed out annoyed, sitting himself in the chair, handcuffed.

"Well, then you're aware that..."

"I'm not aware of anything." Michael shot, "You're asking me to trust you- you, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own sister sat in hell." Michael glanced over at Sam and Dean, who were just looking at him.

"Doing what we do, we've had to get used to losing people. Probably too used to it. With Adam, we said goodbye because we thought we had to. We were wrong." You admitted.

"Well, don't tell me. Tell him." His eyes flash with blue light, revealing that Adam was there.

"Hey, Sam, Y/N, Dean." Adam/Michael smiled.

"Adam?" Sam questioned.

"Ha!" Adam/Michael chuckle.

"Wait, Mic- Michael lets you talk? I mean, he lets you be?" Dean asked, puzzled.

"Uh, yeah. In the Cage, we came to an agreement. We only had each other." Adam reminded you all, feeling worse than you already are.

"Adam, look, I know we bailed on you, okay, and there is nothing that we can say to fix that." You admitted to Adam.

Adam sighed, "How about, uh "I'm sorry"? The eyes flash with blue light, transforming to Michael.

"Enough. Why am I here?" Michael asked, sternly.

"Michael, we needed to speak with you because God is back. You didn't think the Cage just opened on its own, did you?" Castiel asked.

"If my father is back, he will usher in Paradise." Michael mentioned.

"No, he won't. Because Paradise is boring, and your dad he's just looking to be entertained. Which means we're his puppets. All of us, especially you." Dean points to Adam.

"I won't hear this. You're lying. I don't know what your agenda is, but you're lying." Michael turned paranoid by the situation.

"Michael." Cas tried to grab his attention.

The eyes flashed blue again, revealing Adam now.

"It's Adam," He chuckled nervously, "I'd give it a rest. He's not listening." Adam sighed.

Castiel stormed out of the room and you followed, revealing Cas sitting at the table, staring straight.

"Maybe you went too far." You leaned on the table, staring the opposite direction.

"Maybe." Castiel instantly answered.

"I mean, he's been in lockdown for quite a while, you know? Maybe you just, uh, went too fast. What's he doing now?" You asked Cas.

"No idea. He was very distraught." Cas sighed out.

"Yeah, but what exactly did he say?" You asked again, turning towards Cas to know how serious you are.

"Leave. Get out. I want you dead". We didn't bond. Where's Sam?" Cas changed the subject instantly.

"Eileen hit a snag with a case. So, he won't be gone long." You informed Cas.

You glanced over at Cas, who was just as tired as you were with this stupid silent treatment and being short with each other. Rowena was right, you wanted to fix this but both of you were too stubborn to say the two words first. I'm sorry.

Suddenly out of nowhere, rumbling shook the bunker and you and Cas share a concerned glance.

"Michael." You whispered, having you and Castiel enter the room with Michael, who was just staring at nothing in front of him.

"God lied to me. I gave everything for him. I loved him. Why? I'm not even the only Michael." Michael informs you and Cas.
"So, yes, I will help you. What was done in the darkness can be done to God, if he's as weak as you say. And I know how." Michael realized.

You sighed out heavily, relieved. Michael pulls a folded piece of paper from his pocket and slides it across the table.

"That's the spell." He simply told you and Cas.

"And the ingredients?" Cas asked.

"Myrrh, cassia, rockrose."

"We've got that." You stare at Michael, seeing him beat down.

"And, to bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom." Michael added.

"A Leviathan blossom? What is that, like a flower?" You questioned Michael, confused.

"A flower that only grows in one place. Purgatory." Michael mentioned.

Your feet went weak in the knees, not wanting to hear that word again. Michael snapped his fingers, revealing behind him a yellow portal.

"That's the door. It'll remain open for 12 hours. Now, if you'll please-" Michael moved closer to you with his hands up to remove the handcuffs.

You dug into your pocket and unlocked the handcuffs.

"You coming with us?" You asked Michael, who walked passed you, scoffing.

"No." He simply answered.

"Before you go can I talk to him?" You begged Michael to let you talk to Adam.

Michaels eye flash blue, having Adam turn around to you.


"Adam, I want you to know we are sorry. What happened to you... You're a good man. You didn't deserve that." You sighed, trying not to shed a tear.

"Since when do we get what we deserve?" Adam shoots a look at Cas.

"Good luck."

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