first crush

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y/c/n means your crush name :)
y/bbf/n means your best friend name :) ENJOY!

This is a flashback of you and Sam that are seniors in high school with your two brothers Sam and Dean. You liked a boy that was in your class and your twin Sam and college drop out Dean are over protective of you. So, you didn't know how this would play out.

You were in math class watching the time pass by as you were staring at y/c/n. He was sitting straight ahead with his pen in his mouth, nodding to the teacher every time the teacher spoke. You sighed, glancing at him and seeing how hot he was.

You've liked him for quite some time now but you were super shy to go up to him. With your twin Sam in the same class let alone the same school, it was hard for you to talk to a boy alone with your over protective brothers hovering over you.

"Y/N, just go talk to him. He's a person just like me and you." Your best friend, y/bff/n whispered to you, still zoomed out looking at him.

"I can't. Sam and Dean will freak." You snapped out of it, placing your palm on your cheek to just admire y/c/n.

"Hey, Y/N. Can you answer number three for me?" The teacher asked you. You suddenly sat up straight, having no idea what question you were on.

You heard Sam chuckling in the corner. You shot him a glare and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, what question are we on?" You quietly asked, embarrassed. You scanned through the text book.

"Maybe if you paid attention, you'll know." The teacher snorted a little. "As I was saying-" The whole class snorted with laughter. You groaned, embarrassed.

The teacher began her lesson again and you sat back into your seat, face red. In the corner of your eye, y/c/n shot a look at you, smiling. Your eyes widened at the fact. You blushed hard, smiling back.

Immediately, Sam saw and he tapped on his shoulder. Y/c/n turned around, having Sam shake his head at him. He turned towards the teacher, confused. So were you.

When class finally ended, you packed up your supplies and rushed over to Sam. You asked quickly and eagerly, "Hey, what was that with y/c/n?"

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you. Seems creepy." Sam shook his head, who was staring down y/c/n, who was just chatting with friends.

"Sam, you're being like Dean." You scoffed, "I like him. He's nice to me." You explained to Sam who wasn't in the mood to care. He zipped up his backpack and shot a look at you.

"Deans waiting in dads impala. We gotta go." Sam grabbed your hand and rushed you out to the front of the school. You followed Sam and there was no sign of Dean in the impala.

"Deans not even here. Let go." You scoffed, pulling away from Sam harshly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Sam shot at you, eyes squinting as the sun was beaming at you and Sam.

"I'm trying to make some friends in this hell hole." You scoffed at Sams question.

"Come on, you know that we don't fit in. It's useless. Every time we make friends they either turn out fake or they think we're losers, freaks." Sam rolled his eyes, scanning the parking lot for Dean. "He'll he here any minute." Sam glanced down at his watch.

"I'm just going to walk." You groaned, putting both straps of your backpack on your back and walked towards home.

"Fine." Sam followed you, sighing at the fact that Dean hasn't showed up again.

As you were crossing the street, up ahead, you see y/c/n waiting at the light. You smiled lightly as he caught your sight.

"Hey, Y/N!" Y/c/n yelled from across the street. Your ears perked up, catching his attention. He suddenly jaywalked, almost getting hit by a car.

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