the trap (y/n version part one)

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Back at the Bunker, you were studying Cas as he was making Borax bullets and you were on the phone, calling Sam and Dean.

"Come on, Sam!" You grunt, hanging up the phone.

"Have you tried Eileen?" Cas questioned, worried as well.

"Yep same thing, no answer." You sighed.

"Well maybe they just have their hands full with their case." Cas shrugged it off, immediately having you think something is wrong now.

"Or they're in trouble?" You mentioned to Cas.

As a couple of minutes passed, your phone rang in your pocket, having you dig it out quickly.

"Eileen? Where the hell are you?" You asked over the phone.


You heard a familiar muffled voice in the background.

"Hi, Y/N." Chucks voice spoke though the phone, having you turn angry.

"Chuck, you dick!" You grunted. "Let them go, I'm the one you want." You begged.

"Bye, Y/N." The phone suddenly had a rough noise to it and you hung up the phone.

You shot a worried look at Cas who was returning you a confused look.

"Chuck, he has them!" You screeched. You rushed over to your laptop, tracking Sam and Deans phone, "How the hell did this happen?"

"What are you doing?" Cas asked, walking over to you calmly.

"Tracking their phone. Ok, here we go...Er Milford Nebraska, a casino. What the hell is Chuck doing in a casino? Whatever, we need to go!" You shot up from your chair, having Cas blocking your way.

"To purgatory." Cas reminded you.

"Chuck has Sam and Dean. I'm not leaving them." You demanded Cas.

"Chuck's not gonna kill him that's not the ending." Cas mentioned, having you scoff. You knew he was right. 

"Then he'll torture them!" You yelped, walking away from Cas but suddenly, Cas raised his voice.

"Y/N! Will you stop! Just stop being so stupid!" Cas yelled.

"What?" You scoffed, eyes widening.

"If we attack Chuck now we don't have anything that can hurt him. We get that Leviathan blossom, complete Michael's spell, build the cage, that's our chance. That's the way we'll save your brothers and that's the way we'll save the world." Cas explained, having it make total sense.

"Fine." You clenched your teeth.

You and Cas are in purgatory, glancing around and having flashbacks that you didn't think would come back to you. You snapped out of it, "I mean how the hell are we even supposed to know what were lookin for here? Ya know, Michael could have done us a solid and drawn us a picture." You chuckled a little.

"You know of all the time I've been in purgatory I've never seen a bloom of any kind." Cas glanced around Purgatory, walking in front of you.

"Yeah, exactly."

"Well if we see it we'll know. It's likely the only flower here." Cas informed.

"Alright. Well maybe we'll run in to Benny, he's probably king of this place by now. Ok, let's split up." You nodded to Cas.

"What?" Cas questioned, grimacing at the idea.

"You go that way I'll go this way. We'll meet back at the rift, we'll cover more ground, we'll better our odds." You explained, pointing left and right.

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