moriah (y/n version part three)

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Sitting on your bed, staring at the ceiling made you think more and more about this Jack situation.

Jack has been killing innocent people everywhere around the world. You know that Dean sees it, but Sam and Cas think that he could be saved. To you, nothing could save Jack anymore. Like what Sam has said, he doesn't have a soul.

On Jacks tracker on your phone, you see that he was by the local cemetery. You thought to yourself. You saw that Sam and Dean were nowhere to be found in the bunker library, so you saw the gun on the table and snatched it, heading out to find Jack at the cemetery.

You hopped into the truck, starting the engine. As it started, you sat there wondering if you were doing the right thing. Pushing that out of your mind, you drove to the cemetery that was only a few miles away.

Seeing that the cemetery was huge, you started from the back of it and worked your way up. You got out of the truck, "Come on, Jack." You grunted to yourself, eyes wandering around the dead souls that were around you.

Suddenly, behind a tree in a distance, you see two bodies sitting on a bench, chatting. You silently walked over, revealing Jack standing up to see you standing near them with the gun in your hand.

Cas stands up to block Jack as you approached them.

"Cas, step aside." Your voice was deep, letting them know you were serious about your decision. The gun was in your hand, resting.

"Y/N-" Cas stepped closer to you, holding up his hand to calm you down.

"Step aside!" You yelled, glaring down at Jack. "Please." You cried.

"Jack, go. Run." Cas warned Jack. Jack walked next to Cas, staring at you innocently.

"I can't." Jack simply sates.

"You have to." Cas demanded.

"I won't run anymore." Jack's eyes glow yellow and he throws Cas out of the way. Cas groans as he lands on the ground and rolls. You gasped, glancing over at Cas.

"You're not gonna lock me up again, are you?" Jack asked you in a innocently tone, having your heart break immediately.

"No." Your hand started to shake as the gun raised, aimed at Jack and exhales deeply. Jack kneels down and bows his head. You, looking puzzled, lower the gun and walk closer towards Jack. When your right in front of Jack, you aimed the gun directly at his head.

Suddenly, you hear a car tire screech. You, not breaking eye contact with Jack kept the gun at his head.



"I understand." Jack whispered to you, having your whole face get numb.

"Y/N, don't!" Dean yelled, standing there waiting for you to put the gun down. You kept on staring at Jack, not knowing what to do.



"I know what I've done." Jack mentioned to you, nodding to shoot him. Every time he spoke, your heart breaks more.

"Hey, hey, hey! Y/N!"

"Stay back, guys!" Your voice cracked but in a yelling tone.

It was super quiet in the cemetery, all you could hear was your heart beating super quickly.

"And you were right all along." Jack reminded you.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Chuck come along side Sam and Dean.

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