galaxy brain (y/n version part one)

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Returning from a case that helped you, Sam and Dean get your lives back, you were walking up the stairs into the library.

Dean walks behind you, into the war room, scratching a card. Sam was next to you, shaking his head.

"Alright, this is it. Last scratcher. Come on, come on." Dean groaned.

He blows on the card and frowns.

"What the hell? I mean, so much for that "Luck of Hercules" crap." Dean tossed the card on the map table.

"So, we didn't win the lottery. But no car trouble. Uh, credit cards work. Oh, and back-to-back bacon double cheeseburgers didn't kill you, so-"

"That was beautiful, by the way. I'm just saying would it have killed her to give us a little extra?" Dean asked, turning to you.

"Well, she thinks we're real heroes. Maybe they don't get all the shortcuts." You mentioned.

"Friggin' gods, man." Dean grumbled.

You were the first one to walk up the stairs as your two brothers were talking in whispers. You walk into the library and immediately stop as Sam bumps into you.

Cas walks in from the opposite door.

"Cas?" You questioned. Cas just stood there, speechless. "Hey, everything okay?"

Cas steps aside. Jack walks out and raises his hand.

"Hello." He simply greets.

"Jack?" Your voice cracked, really seeing him with your own eyes.

"It's really him." Cas states, staring at you.

Sam walks over slowly, tugging Jacks body into his. He smiles as he steps away from Jack. You walk over and place his hand on Jacks neck. He looks into your eyes. You look over at Cas who nods.

Your two brothers, Jack and Cas sit around the map table, drinking beer.

"Jack, you... you ate their hearts?" Sam questioned, grimacing after.

"I-I had to." Jack glanced up at you.

"And you let him?" You turned to Cas.

Cas nods.

"Hmm." You hummed uncomfortably.

"You could've called us." Sam mentioned to Jack but it was too late.

"Every day I wanted to come home, but... I couldn't." Jack stuttered again, eyes going straight to you every time.

"Why not?" Dean asked.

"Because if I don't stay hidden, if I use my powers, my grandfather... he'll know I'm back, and he'll try and kill me... again. He's afraid of me. And that's why we had to wait." Jack explained.

"Billie kept him hidden in the Empty until Chuck went off world." Cas added in.

"She let me out when it was safe." Jack mentioned.

"Safe to what? Eat a bunch of angel hearts?" You shot, knowing this time was sensitive so you leaned back in your chair and sighed.

"Safe to do what I have to. The hearts, they were just the beginning. They made me strong, but I-I'm not strong enough. I... If I do exactly what she says, if I follow her plan, then I'll get stronger and... I'll be able to kill God." Jack informed you all.

Your eyes widened, sighing at Cas as you and him share a glance.

You Sam and Cas stand in front of Dean, who sits at the table with a beer in front of him.

"I still don't like it." Sam shook his head, unsurely.

"Which part... Jack's deal with Death? Or the part where she's got him eating Angel hearts?" You scoffed in disgust.

"Ugh. The hearts were disturbing." Cas mentioned to everyone.

"So, what's next? We're just supposed to trust her?" You asked.

"Well, apparently Billie's got Jack on a need-to-know, which not a shock. We've made deals with cosmic players before... "cards up" ain't their style." Dean informed.

"Jack still doesn't have a soul. And now he's been in the Empty for months. I mean, we have no idea where his head is right now." Sam reminded you all.

"Well, I have my concerns, but... Jack trusts Billie, and I trust Jack." Cas nods surely to everyone.

"But what about cosmic balance, Cas? I mean, Jack's gonna kill God? What about Amara?" Sam questioned.

Dean stands up from the table and picks up his beer. "I don't know. I don't know. But I have seen Billie's library, and I have spent time with her. I... Well, "trust" is a strong word, but... I believe in her. There's no one more committed to the rules than she is. She's probably got it all figured out." Dean explains.

"Probably? Like she had the Mal'ak box figured out?" Sam scoffed.

"Yeah, I dunno. I mean, she's still Death. She was right about Rowena." You reminded.

"All I'm saying is, I wish we knew more." Sam sighed out.

"Yeah, I got questions too, but right now this is the only plan we got." You stare, glancing around the room.

"Right." Sam walked out of the room, upset about this plan. 

You and Cas sit in the chairs, each with a glass of whiskey in your hands.

"I knew it, Y/N. When I was with Jack's mother, she... You know, Kelly just had faith that Jack would be good for the world, and I felt it, too. I knew it. And then, when everything went wrong, and God took him from us... I was lost in a way I've never been before. Because I knew the story wasn't over. I knew Jack wasn't done. And I was right." Cas shoots a smile at you.

"Well, here's to being right." You held up your glass and Cas clinks his glass against yours. You both take a sip.

"And here's to payback. Hmm? Come on. What, revenge doesn't sound good to you?" You chuckled lightly, raising your glass.

"What sounds good to me is Jack fulfilling his destiny." Cas hesitates to clink.

"Okay, yeah, but... icing on the cake? I mean, Chuck wanted Cain and Abel, and... now we're going all Biblical on him. Killed by his own grandson. That sounds right to me." You were about to sip your whisky but your cell phone rang, revealing it was Jody.

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