ouroboros (y/n version) part four

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By the simplest touch by Dean, your eyes opened revealing the ceiling of the bunker. Everyone was calm around you but something triggered you.

"Y/N, hey." Sam rushed over to you and you shot up from the bed. You glanced over to Sam and Dean, eyes widened.

"Where is he?! Where is he?!" You screamed loudly, shoving Sam and Dean to the side harshly.

"No, wait! Y/N! Y/N! No! Stop! Y/N, stop it! It's -- It's us! - You're in the bunker!"

"I know where I am!" You yelled back at Sam. That's not -- " You stopped immediately, your mind being cleared.

"Y/N." Deans voice was worried.

"He's gone. Michael. He's gone." Your eyes just stare out into the bunker room, hyperventilating. Your distressed eyes went over to Cas.

"How?" Jack asked.

"This is my fault. I let my guard down. This is my fault!" You screamed at yourself. "I told you-" You pointed your finger to Cas in anger.

"No, Y/N-"

"I told you! I told you to let me take that coffin ride to the bottom of the ocean!" You became teary eyed, glaring at your two brothers and Cas.

"Okay, Y/N, j-just-"

In a distance, you all of a sudden hear Maggie screaming from the library.


Suddenly Maggie glows. She screams then falls to the ground, dead, with her eyes burned out.

"Maggie!" In the corner of your eye, you see bodies lying everywhere in the library.

"Guys-" Your voice cracked. Suddenly, footsteps occurred and your eyes wandered up, revealing Rowena. Or you thought it was.

"Hello, boys. I could've burned them all, but I'm feeling very hands-on." Michael was now inside of Rowena.

"Michael." Your voice questioned, eyes squinting.

"That's right. I thought you'd appreciate this vessel." Michael/ Rowena grinned at you.

"You let her go." You charged but Cas stopped you, knowing it was a suicide mission if you went for it.

"Oh. Please. She's much sturdier than she looks. Must be the hundreds of years of magic." Michael/ Rowena answered easily.

"Rowena never would have let you in." You stated, confused.

"She didn't want to say yes, but-" Michael/Rowena shrugged.

"I had no intention of keeping my word, but I think she knew that. If only Y/N had used that coffin when she had the chance." Michael/ Rowena tucked her lips out.

"Never too late for a good idea. Sam, get the cuffs." You demanded.

"That's not very nice. And if we're not being nice, what if you couldn't breathe?" Suddenly, Michael/ Rowena used her power to make Sam, Cas, you and Dean unable to breathe.

"That's a terrible feeling, isn't it? What if you were also blind?" She makes all of you guys blind.

"And what if you just hurt?"

"Ah!" You squealed.

"But fun as this is, I think no more games. This time, you all die. This time, the world burns." Michael/ Rowena placed her whole power on you and only you.

"Michael! Let them go!" Jack yelled.

"You think you can match me, boy? This power you have now -- it's nothing, just a crutch. How dare you! Burning off your soul? You'll run out soon enough." Rowena/ Michael taunts Jack but he doesn't looked amused.

"It's worth the cost." Jack breathes out.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Michael/ Rowena scoffed.

"I feel the same." Jack shot.

"I am the commander of the host! I am the cleanser of worlds! I will not be challenged by a child!" Michael/ Rowena raises her voice.

0I'm not a child! I'm the son of Lucifer. I'm a Hunter. I am a Winchester!" Jack suddenly used all his grace that he had left and it wasn't much. He attacked Michael/ Rowena with it steadily holding it.

"Jack! No!" You screamed out but he was too far gone.

"You won't hurt anyone ever again!" Jack yelled. Suddenly, the whole bunker was quiet, revealing everyone on the floor with their sight, breath and their body not aching no more. You stood up carefully and helped Sam and Dean as Cas stood next to you. You stare at Jack, who seemed fine

"Jack?" Castiel gains his attention.

"Michael, he's dead." Jack confirms.

"Jack, a-are you, uh-" You stutter.

"I'm me again."

Jack suddenly had light all around him as his wings spread out as a shadow behind. Everyone sees his face and eyes glowing, eyes widening at the sight. You breathed out heavily, glancing over at Sam.

"Oh, no." You whispered, knowing this was not going to turn out well.

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