raising hell (y/n version part three)

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"This is quite the list of ingredients. Hope you got an Amazon account." You chuckled to Rowena.

"Prime. The trap requires a tricky bit of spellery. I need what I need. Even then, no guarantee." Rowena smiled at you, patting your head in comfort.

"Well, you're the mad scientist." You laughed.

"So, uh, tell me about Arthur Ketch." Rowena turned to you, interested.

"Seems like you've met." You smirked.

"That was more of a torturer-torturee relationship. Fun, but I didn't really get to know him." Rowena shrugged.

"Rowena, we have ourselves a crisis on our hands, okay? Find yourself another boy toy. You don't want to get involved with Ketch." You warned her, really trying to watch out for her.

"Don't I?" Rowena raised her eyebrows, walking out to the quarantine hideout. You sighed heavily, walking into the office. Glancing up at the bulletin board with your arms crossed, you feel a presence behind you.

"Hey." You simply greeted, not moving your eyes off the board.

"Yeah, hey. Y/N, I recognize that I... dropped the puck." Cas admitted, but it wasn't the correct term. You turned to him, confused but corrected him.

"Ball. It's, uh... It's "dropped the ball"." You chuckled lightly, but then remembering that you're still upset with him.

"Ball, right. I didn't tell you about Jack, and then after what happened with your mother..."

"Don't" You sternly turned your body. You sighed out, keeping your cool.

"You're angry." Cas states the obvious.

"Yes, I am angry. At everything. All of it." You grunted.

"All of it?" Cas asked.

"This mess... all the messes. It turns out that we're just hamsters running in a wheel our whole lives. What do we have to show for it, huh? Tell me you don't feel conned. God's been lying to you, Cas, forever. You bought into the biggest scam in history." You told Cas, facing him. You shook your head in disbelief.

"You don't think I'm angry? After what Chuck did? After what he took from me? He killed Jack. But that doesn't mean it was all a lie." Cas tried to make it look not as bad but you weren't buying it.

"Really?" You scoffed.

"Chuck is all-knowing. He knew the truth, he... he just kept it to himself." You mentioned, getting more and more angry just talking about it. "Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing?" You threw your hands in the air.

"Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that." Cas reminded you of the good things but something inside you wouldn't let you forgive anything.

"Did we?" You scoffed again, "I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't." You pointed to yourself with your palms.

A silence hit the office but Cas broke it, "Y/N. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" We are." Cas reminded you, staring at you to make you see. Without any other words shared, you walked out of the office to the quarantine zone.

"Okay, look, it's great to have Kevin around... even Ghost Kevin... but do you think it's safe having him do what he's doing?" You overheard Sam and Dean chatting.

"No. No. I mean, none of this is safe for any of us, but if he can give us some information, you know..."

"Wait, Kevin's back?" Your voice squealed, surprised. "Man, this cant get any more weird." You joked, knowing it can.

You, Sam and Dean stop walking and turn around, and find Belphegor behind them.

"Would you stop sneaking up on us?" You asked in a bossy tone.

"Hey, we just heard from a reliable source that the warding is fading." Sam informed Belphegor.

"Yeah. Sure, sure. Like... Like I said it would. I guess I just assumed you three pros woulda wrapped it up by now. What can I say? Goofy optimist." Belphegor grinned.

"Okay, meanwhile, we're gonna need you to charge her back up." Dean demanded.

"Oh... Yeah, if only. Sorry, guys. It was a one-time thing." Belphegor sprung that up on you three, having your eyes widened to Belphegor.

"Well, Kevin says the ghosts may sense its weakness." Sam told Belphegor.

"Oh, "Kevin says"? Kevin Tran? Whiny Kevin Tran? Ugh. Typical millennial." Belphegor mocked.

"Kevin's not even supposed to be in Hell, okay, so when this is all over, we're gonna send him up in Heaven where he belongs." You demanded Belphegor, shooting him a look in seriousness.

"Yeah, yeah, not gonna happen. Souls cast down to Hell? That's the end of it. Heaven can't take 'em." Belphegor reminds.

"That's not true. Our dad made it to Heaven after he was in Hell." You informed Belphegor.

"And Bobby Singer." Dean added.

"So God made an exception. Didn't he used to like you two? Just saying. Without the big guy... them's the rules." Belphegor shrugged.

You suddenly flinched at the wound.

"Still with the shoulder?" Dean turned to you, holding both your shoulders for support.

"I'm okay, it's getting better." You nodded unsurely, having a weird type of feeling why it stung.

Dean and Sam does not appear to believe that, but you had to focus on this, not your wound.

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