Love spell

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"Sammy, come here!" You yelled from the bunker library while sitting down with the laptop, looking up a case you, Sam and Dean caught.

You hear footsteps coming down the hall, with a voice speaking before you could see it.

"What?" Sam questions, skipping the stairs, walking to you. He leans over your shoulder.

"Another victim, in Minnesota." You point to the laptop, looking up at Sam.

"Okay, I'll call Dean." Sam takes out his phone, and dials.

You guys were dealing with cupid, not in a good way. You caught a case where people are falling for a love spell, but after they are under it, they die, being killed by the person who put the person under the spell. We once thought it was a personal scam, but it was happening all over the country.

"He's on his way, he sounded a little weird." Sam sets down his phone in confusion.

"What else is new?" You shrugged it off your shoulders.


You and Sam were sitting at the table, waiting for Dean. Then, an unexpectedly tone hit your hear drum.

"Honey, I'm home!" You hear Dean say in excitement, seeming more happy than usual. Dean was running down the stairs, in a festive mood.

"Ok?" Sam gave Dean a weird look, and you did the same.

"Look who I met!" Dean stops midway down the stairs, looking up at the door. You look up at the direction where Dean was looking, seeing a woman who was really pretty walk into the bunker. You automatically knew Dean was under the spell. You decided to lead it on though, to see what happens.

"Hello, guys!" The woman says in a cheerful tone, running down the stairs where Dean was, grabbing her hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

You looked at Sam, trying so hard not to laugh, but a smile escaped your face. Sam returned the smile.

"Aren't you guys excited!? I am!" Dean says in a joyous tone, walking the rest of the stairs with the woman's hand in his. They walk to you and Sam, having about five feet in between you.

"Uh, yeah, of course!" Sam looks back at you, in confusion then understanding why Dean was acting like this.

You took a sip of your beer, still making eye contact with Sam, who was bewildered.

"And the best part is, we're getting married!!" The woman speaks.

You spit out your beer, making Dean and the woman look at you, strangely. Sam just stands there, figuring out what to do. He just continues to stare at Dean, trying so hard in his power not to laugh.

"Married! Wow, congrats Dean." You put a fake smile on your face, looking at Sam. "Isn't that great, Sam! They're getting married! Come on, Sam be happy for them." You vaguely say in an happy tone, nudging Sam.

The woman glares at you, with her red eyes. You were sensing that she is a demon. She stares you down like a lion looking for prey. You just stood there, clueless on what she was going to do to you.

"Oh I'm so excited, Dean! When's the wedding?" Sam strikes the conversation toward Dean and the woman.

"Dean, you're not serious!" You let out a laugh.

"Uh, more serious than I will ever be. When I first met her, I knew she was the one." Dean looks into the woman's eyes, creating a "spark" between them. You rolled your eyes, laughing.

"Yeah, like a second ago." Sam jokes, making you laugh again, and Sam joins the laugh.

"You guys have never been in love before!" Dean spats. Oh, that kinda hurt.

"If you guys don't like me, just tell me." The woman tried to act all victim like, but you just scoffed.

"I don't like you." You unexpectedly say, with no hesitation.

"Y/N!" Dean scorned. "She's going to be your sister in law, so be nice to her."

Sam looks at you like "is this really happening" face, and you returned a face like "yeah, it's happening".

"Okay, if no one is going to say it I will. Dean, you're under the spell. She's going to try to kill you, so come over here." You calmly explained to Dean.

As a reaction you knew he was going to give, he backed up and took the woman's hand. "Stop it guys, you're making her uncomfortable." Dean wines.

"Oh no, I'm okay." The woman simply answers. All of a sudden, her blue ocean eyes turn into black. Dean and Sam didn't see it, but you did.

"We're getting married and that's final! Sam, I would ask you to be the best man, but damn Sam, support would be nice." Dean shakes his head.

"Bro, you're under a spell!" Sam yells. You look at Sam, who was angry at this whole situation.

"Sam, it's okay. We'll fix this." You take out a blade, letting the woman know you mean business.

"Hey, Y/N! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dean goes over to you and snatches the blade out of your hand and throws it on the floor.

"Stop it, Dean. You are not yourself!" You yell at him and walk over to the blade he just threw and went to go pick it up. As your hand was reaching for it, you see the blade get kicked out of your direction. You looked up.

"Not to fast, Y/N." The woman shot you a little smirk. "Let's not hurt your future sister in law, huh?"

You stand up, ready for what was coming, but then you spoke too soon. She uses her powers and throws you across the way, making you slam into the wall, hard.

Sam runs to her, blade in hand, but she just got rid of the problem just like that by doing the same thing the woman did to you.

Sam grunts while he struggles to get up from the slam on the wall, wincing at the pain. You see that Dean is staring at her, deer in the headlights. She walks over to him, placing two fingers on forehead and he falls to the ground.

You stood up from the wall and sprinted over to her while not paying attention and attack her to the ground.

You manage to be on top of her, trying to push her over to the blade that was over on the floor by the cabinet.

All of a sudden, you feel a tug on your shoulder and it was Sammy. You push him onto the ground, not meaning to be so hard.

For an odd reason, you wanted to do this on your own. No help at all.

With all the power, you punched her in the face, leaving her bloody in the nose. You sprinted to the blade, picking it up, and pressed it into her back.

You released it from your shaking hand, standing back as she hits the ground.

While turning around, Sam runs over to Dean who was lying on the floor, holding onto his chest.

"Dean, you ok?" Sam placing his hand on his shoulders.

"Yeah, Sammy. I'm- I'm okay." Dean stutters.

You walk slowly over to Dean and Sam.

"What the hell happwned?" Dean shot up, looking at the woman's body, with the knife in her back.

"Sit down, we have some explaining to to." Sammy tells Dean.

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