ouroboros (y/n version) part one

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You found a case to get your mind off of things as Michael was in your head, desperately wanting out. The case was in Ratonm, New Mexico.

There has been multiple bodies found all cut up and looked eaten so you, Cas, your two brothers, Jack and Rowena all decided to look into it.

Rowena was trying her hardest to help you out with this whole Michael being in your head and you had to say, you're glad you called her because that witch can do miracles.

Already at the crime scene of the other incident, the boys looked around the room at the cooked dinner that was being burnt as Cas was checking the body on the table.

"Oh no." Cas grunted.

"He's cooking body parts, again." Jack grimaced at the boiling water that revealed eyes and a nose inside.

"Ew, what is wrong with people?" You covered your nose as your voice turned nasally.

"Seriously? How does this keep happening?" Sam annoyingly groans to everyone. "I thought we had him this time. Look at this, he's all cut up. No restraints, like the last time." Sam points at the body.

"He was killed recently too. I suspect he was very much alive when the cutting started." Cas mentioned.

"I don't understand. Why don't any of them fight back?" Jack asked curiously.

"Yeah. Who would just let themselves be eaten? Hey, I'll say it again, my money's on witchcraft." You nodded to everyone.

Rowena steps into the spotlight, shooting you an evil glare. "Ouch you. Always blaming the witches."

"Because a lot of times it's witches." You shot attitude back. Rowena just shrugged her shoulders knowing you were correct on that statement.

"Rowena, your tracking spell was suppose to make things easier." Sam turns to Rowena who looked very distracted on the case.

"Hu! There I was, in the middle of a glorious rosewater and vanilla oil massage hidden away at an exclusive desert spa. when you called me begging for my help." Rowena yelped, casually walking around the dead corpse.

"Well, because we've been chasing this guy for weeks. What's the point." Dean shot.

"My point, Dean, is that you asked for my assistance, and I obliged. And while the killer eluded us, it certainly looks as if he was here quite recently. I'd call that a success." Rowena smiled widely.

"Oh, yeah, that's a success. Sam." Dean tosses a wallet to Sam he catches it.

"Hello, Castiel." Rowena winked over at Cas, who immediately turned uncomfortable. Your eyes widened at the fact as you were digging in the victims pocket for his wallet.

You cleared your throat, "Okay, looks like our dinner guest here, his name is Dennis Barron. He's 43, and this is his house. No signs of forced entry and no restraints."

"It's all the same." Sam stated, confused.

"Well, not everything." Jack spoke up, revealing a snake that was in a cage.

"Maybe it's his pet. I mean, no pictures in his phone. And, uh, this place doesn't exactly scream "snake guy". You glanced around the house and nodded to yourself. "Yeah, no."

"Not enough Pantera posters, for one." Rowena scanned the room once more.

Jack all of a sudden starts to cough again then notices the others staring at him. You nodded to him in a 'are you okay?' look.

"There was some pepper on something. I don't know. I'm fine. I'm not dying." He spats.

"Okay, so, what? This guy's some real Houdini? Well, however he's avoiding us, he's now claimed the lives of at least six people in northern New Mexico." Castiel informs you all.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now