Lost (part two)

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"The deal is in best interest for you two." Kip says to you.

"So you used me as bait to get them over here?" Cas asked, rolling his blue eyes.

"It worked." Kip laughed.

"What's the deal?" Sam asked with a smirk on his face, knowing that whatever he says it won't matter.

"Hell right now is in pretty bad shape. I need you two to help me fix it." Kip says.

"Psh." You scoffed. Everyone looked over at you, including Sam. "You're seriously going to help this jerk?"

"And?" Sam turned towards Kip.

"Crowley did screw everything up. We need to fix it before Dean turns the whole world into a shit show." Kip warned us.

"It's not Dean who's doing it, it's Michael." You confirmed.

"Whoever, it needs to be stopped." Kip added.

A silence hit the bar for a few seconds. Then....


"No?" Kip repeated.

"No, sorry. Find someone else to follow your pity adventure." Sam spat.

"You know I could kill you all in an instant. Don't take me lightly on that." Kip threatened.

You looked over at Mom, Bobby and Jack. As you glanced over at Sam, Sam gave you the nod. Then, you grabbed the gun from behind you from one of Kips guys. Gunshots went off and all five of you went after each of the men.

You were still fighting the one that searched you, so you grabbed his gun and smacked him with it, having him hit the bar table. Surprisingly, he didn't get knocked out. For an odd reason, he was more powerful before. As this was going on, your team was in an all out war with Kips men.

"Your weak." The man told you. Out of spite, you grunted hitting him again but he moved away having you loosing your balance. You fall to the floor by tripping over a stool. The man then gets on top of you, hitting you over and over again. Your eyes were getting blurrier by the second and nothing was making it better.

As you glanced over to the side, you saw a knife from your left and didn't hesitate to grab it. You picked it up as fast as you could and stabbed him in the leg just to get him more weak so you could get up. He winced in pain but smacked you in the face. You fell back onto the floor.

"Hey!" You heard a familiar voice ring into your ear. You saw that the man fell right next to you with the knife in his chest. You breathed heavily and glanced up. Jack.

He went to your level as you stood up. He then placed his hand on your back, lifting you up to your feet.

"Thanks." You sighed with a smile on your face. "Watch out!"

You saw that Jack then got knocked out onto the floor. You got angry and attacked the guy from the back and pushed him toward a table with his back hitting it. He then fell back and got knocked out cold. You did the same thing Jack did to you.

"I'm so stupid. I should've of had saw that coming." Jack blamed himself.

"Hey, Jack. It's okay." You patted him. You then picked him up and then continued on the fighting.

You looked around seeing people of your own and others getting punched for no apparent reason. You then glanced over at Cas who had a knife on Kips neck. You then realized this was having no affect towards anyone. You spoke.

"Everyone drop it!" You screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over towards you. Everyone then dropped their weapons having them all clang on the floor.

"Y/N's right." Cas then steps away fork Kip.

"We all have one thing in common. To stop Michael." You stated.

"You started it." A man shot. You eyes flared at him.

"We'll take it." Sam adds. Your eyes went straight towards Sam. Your eyes widened, not knowing what to say.

"You're freed to go." Kip says.

You all headed out with the men staring you down. You give them dirty looks and roll your eyes.

"Come on, we'll go back to the bunker and get some sleep and look for Dean more tomorrow." Sam tells you and the rest of them. "Cas, meet us there?"

Cas nods.

"Sam, can I talk to you?" You asked, widening your eyes.

"Hm?" Sam went over to you.

"Okay, what the hell? The deal?" You scoffed.

"You have to trust me on this."

"But Sam-"

"Please." He begged.

You nod.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now