too slick

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"Run! Run now!" Sam shouts. You turn to run, but a demon steps in your way. Before you know it, there's a demon holding each of your arms.

But how did you get here? Let's rewind a little bit.

You pick the lock to the run down motel and take your flashlight out of your jacket. Sam and Dean put you on lockdown in the bunker, after you broke your wrist after a hunt.

There was a case that your brothers were hunting, and they didn't want you to come along.

"It's only for this hunt." Sam had said, fixing his tie for his FBI suit and leaving the motel room. You got changed and packed your duffel. Little did they know, you were researching in your spare time and using their notes to aid yours.

You found out that the demons were hiding in a motel which was abandoned and left to rot about three years ago.

There were only supposed to be a few demons, but when you turn a few corners, you see two demons talking to each other, coming in your direction.

You also note that the hallway you're in, and the rest of the motel from that point, was very well lit.

You spin on your heel, stuffing  your flashlight into your jacket before seeing three demons coming from that direction.


You spin again before they can see you, and start walking with your head down, speeding up.

Just when you think that you've walked past them successfully,you feel a tight grip on your forearm.

Your eyes widen as you look up into the pitch-black eyes of a demon. "Winchester," He growls.

You hear fast footsteps and before you know it, your hands were being held behind your back and you fall unconscious.

You wake up with your arms tied behind you around a bedpost. Your ankles are tied together too, although you're not quite tall enough for them to reach the end of the bed.

You look around. Mould is growing in damp corners of the room, the chairs and small wooden table are slanted to one side, rotting. You also see the demons you walked into earlier surrounding one side of the bed.

"Oh good, you're up," One of them smirks. You cringe. This guy is gonna give you some trouble. You see that he's twirling your angel blade in his fingers. He advances towards you slowly, a malicious smile across his face.

Your heart starts to beat fast and you start trying to get the ropes off, but they're so tight you can't move. Just when you start panicking, you hear your ringtone, and your phone starts to vibrate from your back pocket.

You gulp, as the demon walks over to you and slides his hand underneath you for a bit too long, before retrieving your phone.

"Don't say anything." The demon threatens, pressing the answer button and holding the tip of the blade to your throat.

Dean practically yelled through the phone. "Y/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Calm down, Dean. I'm fine," You lie.

"I know you're lying."

"I'm not lying," You protest.

"Y/N, I lie professionally. I think I can spot a lie."

"I promise I'm fine Dean, I just took a walk. Can I just say, this is a funky town we're in." You hope he understands, and sure enough, he does.

"We're on our way, sit tight." The line goes dead.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now