You're okay (part two)

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You woke up by the sound of someone opening your door, but you were already somewhat awake.

"Hey Y/N. You guys are leaving in half an hour." Jack says in a soft voice, aware that you still need to wake up fully.

You stretch, nodding to Jack.

"Thanks." You smile.

"Hey, I over heard you and Cas talking. You shouldn't feel that way." Jack suggests.

"Jack, no offense but-" He stops you.

"No, I know what you're going to say." He then suddenly sits on the corner of your bed. You sit up. He continues. "That I don't know any better. I have lost people Y/N. I know how it feels to lose someone. You're not alone in this." He tells you.

He was right. You thought he had no idea how you were feeling. Thinking that you were the only one in this room that has lost someone and knows how it feels to do so.

"Jack, I'm sorry." You sigh.

"You never have to be sorry. You saved me." He smiles lightly and places his hand on yours. You grab it tightly. You smile, having to hold back your tears. "Sam is waiting." He adds.

You then spring out of bed and grab the duffle bag off the floor. You put in a few weapons from your room like knifes and the gun. You then flip on some black jeans and a flannel that you had for years. You then put your hair up and grab your things and head out to where Sam, your mom and Bobby was.

"Hey." You sighed heavily. You went to the coffee station where Cas was standing. You smile lightly at him.

"Ready?" Sam acknowledges you.

"Yes." You take a sip of your coffee. "Let's go find Dean and bring him back." You state with courage. They all nod at you in agreement.

As they all start packing up their things, you look over at Cas.

"You aren't going again, huh?" Your eyes dropped in sadness.

"You know I can't. My Angel sense will trigger-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. Michael." You rolled your eyes. You glance up at Cas and he continued to stare you down.

"Yeah, maybe it's not a good idea if you don't go." You giggle. You sigh again and then kiss Cas on the cheek. "I'll bring him home."

"I know." He tells you.

"Okay, come on. We have to go." Your mom tells all of you.

"Keep an eye on Jack. He's worrying me." You whisper to Cas. He nods. "Go." Cas pushes you a little way and you head out the door. Honestly, you didn't have a clue if you were going to see Cas or Jack again.

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