back and to the future (y/n version part three)

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Daytime rolled around and Dean was driving the impala through a busy town street. Cas gets out of the Impala wearing an FBI jacket and walks up to the sheriff, who's on the phone.

As Cas was chatting with the sheriff, Dean spoke with you, Belphegor and Sam in the car.

"We can handle the evac, so why don't you grab Crowley Jr. here whatever he needs for his spell?" Dean turned to you, not being able to stare at him.

"No." You simply answered.


"Dean, I can't. I-I... I can't even look at him. Um... I..." You stuttered, getting out of the car and joined Cas, talking to the Sheriff.

"Excuse me. FBI." You showed your badge and Cas shot you a confused look.

"Well, I-I... Benzene?" The sheriff questions, tilting his head.

"The pipeline outside town. It sprung a leak." Cas informed the sheriff in a serious tone.

"W-What pipeline?" Sheriff turned more and more confused.

"Sheriff, listen. The longer we stand here talking about it, the more people are gonna get sick. Now, the EPA is on its way, but we need to clear these people out ASAP." Your tone of voice turned hostile. Not knowing where the hell that came from, you nodded in a for sure way.

"Well, I suppose we could move folks up to the high school." The sheriff shrugged.

"Where is that?" Cas asked.

"About five miles up 281." The sherif pointed up the street.

"Well, that's far enough." Cas turned his body towards you, shooting you a look of worry. You winced all of a sudden, holding your left shoulder.

"Great. Get these people on the move. We'll go house-to-house. Come on." You nodded to Cas to tell him that you are okay.

In a nearby neighborhood, you and Cas search, splitting up to look through separate houses.

"Alright. I go left. You go right. See anybody, get 'em out. See a ghost, hit it with the rock salt." You turned your direction and walked over to the closest house, having the door be unlocked.

"Hello?" You held your gun up to level to aim for anything moving or trying to attack you.


You arrive in the garage, slowly moving more into it.

"Hello? Anybody in here?"

"Here! Here. Up here." You heard a voice from up high and shot your head up.

You coaxed the little girl down, you put your gun down.

"Okay, I gotcha." The little girl flinched as you tried to grab her. "No, hey. I'm safe." Your smile made her jump down to you and you caught her. "There's your mom. Alright?" You pushed her lightly to her mom. You glanced at them, having a little memory of your mom and you.

"Oh, God. Thank God. Dead. They're all dead." The mom huffed, hugging her daughter tightly.

"I know. I know. Shh. Just... I'm gonna get you out of here, alright?" You knelt down to the little girl, "Hey. You're gonna be okay, alright? Everything's gonna be fine." You assured the mom as well.

The mother screams out no nowhere, having you turn around to reveal the clown. You reached for your gun, but it is still on the shelf. Gacy slashes you with his knife.

You slam on the ground, wounded, and Gacy approaches slowly, singing off-key to you.

"♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪" You backed up with your feet on the floor, glancing over quickly to see if the mother and daughter are alright.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now