In my head

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Fresh out of Hell, you couldn't get the images out of your head. Having Lucifer under control of you is not all rainbows and candy canes. The scary thing is, Lucifer still has a little control of you. That's what Dean and Sam are trying to stop happening to you.

By managing to get freed by your brothers Sam and Dean, you still had a little side effect of being in hell.

Lucifer would switch up bodies on you. It was a way of Lucifer messing with your head, and you're scared that it'll get deadly.

You were waiting inside of a abandoned place, waiting for the call from Dean. You had your phone in your pocket, holding onto it so it was something to do, whether than just stand there with anxiety. You had a spell to get rid of Lucifer for now, but not forever.

All of a sudden, you see the door about thirty feet away from you open, and it was Dean.

"Dean, I thought you were going to call." Your paranoid self asked, walking closer to him. 

"Sorry, phone died." Dean told you. Dean gave you a hug, letting your anxiety go down just a little.

You looked around and in your head you were  hearing things, but you knew it was Lucifer playing around in your brain, so you decide to ignore it for now.

"Where's Sammy?" You spoke.

"Oh, Sammy? He's- uh, he's- I don't know." Dean stammered. You looked at him weirdly, shrugging it off your shoulders thinking he was just as nervous as you were.

"He'll be here." Dean assures you. You nod, letting out a deep sigh.

Some time passes and you grew more anxious than before.

"Dean, where is he?" You desperately asked him, having a little hostile tone in your shaking voice.

Dean speaks, "You need to calm down."

"Dean, I'm dealing the best way I can." You tell him.

"Ha, dealing? Sorry that's a little funny." Dean snickered.

"How does that help?" You frown.

"I'm sorry it's just that there is no way to 'deal' with this."

You knew Dean was right. Who "deals" with the devil being in your head? Who "deals" with the devil being in control of you while in Hell?

"Dean, I'm just-"

"Oh yeah, funny. You think I'm Dean." All of a sudden, the figure you thought was Dean turned into someone you did not want to see at all.

"Get away from me." You sternly glare at Lucifer, walking as far away from him, not knowing where you were headed.

"You know you have to live the same lifestyle as I do!" Lucifer yells at you, taunting you with the words.

You suddenly stop. "Leave me alone." You turned around, facing your enemy.

"You know I can't do that." Lucifer answers.

"I said leave me alone!" You screamed, pulling out a gun and shooting it at nothing, just letting the bullets represent your anger. 

"Come on, shoot that at someone useful. Aim it at your head." He whispered at you, putting his hand in a shape of a gun next to his head. "Just end it all."

Your watery eyes look at him in despair, having no other ideas or hope.

"Please, just go away." You begged, eyes more watery.

"Y/N!" You hear another voice echo from the building and it was Dean, followed by Sam. Or you thought it was them.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Dean asked in a confused expression.

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