the heros journey (y/n version part one)

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Walking into the kitchen, you reveal that dinner was burning in the oven.

"Crap!" You squealed, running over to it and opening up the oven and without thinking, you picked it up. Obviously, it was hot and you tossed it on the counter, having glass plates slide off the counter.

You sighed out heavily, hearing the smoke alarm finally go off. You then reveal the water with the pasta over flowing.

"No!" You picked up the pan and again with you burning your hand, you dropped it on the floor with noodles all over the floor.

"Y/N?" You hear Sams voice come from down the hall.

"I'm okay, sorry." You sighed out and Sam appeared seeing the mess.

"Hey, you alright?" Sam rushed over and glanced down at the floor.

"It's okay, I'll get the broom." Sam turned around and suddenly out of nowhere, you sneezed.

Sam turned to you and shot you a confused look, "Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick." You laughed nervously and another sneeze hit the silent room. "Um-"

"Y/N? Sam!" You heard Dean yell your guys' names and you rushed to the map room to reveal a angry Dean.

Sam trips up the steps, having you behind him, almost falling. Dean looks at you both, quizzically.


"Was that a trip?" Dean asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah. Weird." Sam shook it off.

"There's a lotta that goin' on. In town, I just got a parking ticket."

"Because you always park in front of that fire hydrant?" You asked, scoffing with laughter.

No, I mean, yes. Okay, I park there every time." Dean argued. "I never get a ticket, all right?
Oh, and, uh. This...doesn't work."

Dean takes the credit card out of his pocket and throws it down on the map table.

"That's the card Charlie hacked for us, the one-"

"Yeah, the one that's supposed to be our "no more hustling, always working" Golden Ticket." Dean rolled his eyes. "Nothing."

"Weird." You simply state, confused.

"That's what I'm saying." Dean scoffed out of annoyance and suddenly a sneezing fit came from you.

"Are you getting sick?" Dean asked, pointing at you.

"I don't know, maybe." You shrugged it off. "Oh, and-and dinner-" Another sneeze approaches.

Dean and Sam shoot a weird look at each other, "Man, this day, I'm telling you-" You cough.

"What is next?" Dean rolled his eyes and suddenly, his phone rings. He struggled to take it out of his pocket and when he got it out, he spoke, "It's Garth."

Followed by another sneeze by you, you glanced up with your eyes watering. "What did he want?" You asked.

"He needs our help." Dean answered, looking at his phone.

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