Enjoy the little things

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"God, I'm exhausted." You tossed your duffle bag on the hotel bed, followed by your aching body.

"I can't even move my toes I'm so tired." Dean threw himself on top of you. You didn't even get upset because you were too tired to care.

Sam sat himself gently on the other bed, "So I guess it's my turn for my own bed?" Sam joked, seeing that you and Dean were almost knocked out on the other bed.

You groaned, pushing off Deans dead weight off of you. "Its actually my turn so Dean get up." You attempted to push him off the bed but he wouldn't budge. "Dean." You grunt, finally giving up. Dean was dead asleep.

"Aw, look how his little squishy cheeks push together when he sleeps." Sam laughed as he called you over on the other side for you to see.

You rushed over there and snorted, "Aw, here. Pass me my phone." You and Sammy laughed together, watching Dean sleep peacefully. You rested your head on Sam's broad shoulders, "This is the best sleep he has ever gotten." You observed, tilting your head.

Sam hummed, taming pictures of Dean sleeping with the flash and suddenly, Dean opened both of his eyes and shot up out of the bed.

"Delete those!" Dean hopped over Sam on the bed who had the phone in his possession.

"No! Y/N, help." Sam laughed hardly, tossing the phone over to you. Dean hops off Sam and playfully fought you for the phone.

"Look how adorable you are sleeping!" You squealed, teasing Dean with the phone. Dean threw pillows from the other bed at you and Sam and you couldn't help but laugh. After getting exhausted fighting you and Sam, Dean grunted and surrendered.

"Fine, but this isn't over." Dean rolled his eyes and tucked himself in Sam's bed.

You laughed out, "Ah, we should get to bed. We have a rough case ahead of us." You hopped off of your brothers bed and crawled over to your own bed. You messed up the bed to cover yourself up with. As your head hit the pillow, you stare at Sam and Dean who are settling themselves in. You stare at them two in awe. Dean caught your eye.

"Why are you staring at me like a serial killer?" Dean questioned, having Sam on the other side of him pop his head up.

"I don't even care." Sam laid his head back down on the pillow. Not saying a word, you kept your tired eyes on Dean.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N?" Dean snapped, having Dean finally get your attention.

"Sorry." You chuckled lightly, turning your body to face the other way. You heard the other bed squeak and in the corner of your eye you saw that Dean was crawling into your bed. You glanced at the other bed and saw that Sam was sound asleep.

You hushed Dean and pointed, "He's sleeping." You smiled in awe with Sammy being asleep. You turned over on the other side and you and Dean were facing each other, covered up in the bed.

"What?" Dean whispered, trying to get to you. You stare at nothing, having Dean nudge you to get your attention once again.

"Nah, you'll think it's stupid." You lightly chuckled, shaking your head.

"Come on, your my sister. Of course I'll think it's stupid." Dean joked.

You sighed out heavily and tucked your hand into the covers, "You know what the highlight of my day is?" You questioned Dean, who's face turned puzzled, not knowing where you were going with this.

"What?" He questioned eagerly.

"Seeing you and Sammy sleeping." You answered honestly, sighing from your nose.

Dean lays there, speechless. "You're joking." Dean simply scoffed.

"See?" You shook your head and attempted to turn back to Sam but Dean stopped you by placing his hand on your shoulder.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Dean immediately apologized.

You budged and quietly turned your body back over to Dean. You sat up slowly to not squeak the bed and tucked your arms between your legs and placed your chin on your kneecaps. "I'm serious, Dean." You glanced down at Dean, who sat up as well. "Watching you and Sam sleeping peacefully is the highlight of my day. Seeing you two safe, having no cares in the world, your squishy checks and how they press against each other-" You press your cheeks together to mock Deans face, "I can go on and on." You chuckled, sighing. "I'm sorry, I know it's stupid." You shook your head and stare over at Sam. "Doesn't that make you-" You stopped for a moment, "Happy?"

In the corner of your eye, you watched Dean peek his head over to see Sam sleep. "Yeah, it does." Dean admitted.

"Me just knowing that you and Sammy are okay makes me okay." You added, turning back to Dean and staring at him, waiting for him to respond. Dean smiled weakly, tugging your body into his.

Dean placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, "Having you and Sammy in my life makes me okay." Dean placed his chin on your head to rest it gently. You and Dean catch yourself both staring at a peaceful Sam.

Dean squeezes you in his warm embrace, "I'm lucky to have you and Sam. Without you guys-" Dean stopped for a moment, "I wouldn't be here today, watching Sam sleep peacefully, hugging my little sister and being grateful for her." Dean mentioned. You glanced up at him and smiled, grabbing Deans hand and squeezing it for comfort.

"Hey, I got an idea." You tug away from Deans body and grabbed your phone that was sitting on the table. You opened the camera and clicked the button to take a photo of Sam. Suddenly, Sam awakened, realizing that you were doing the same thing.

"Hey!" Sam squealed, wiping his eyes to get a better view. "Don't!" Sam shoots out of bed and tumbled over you and Dean to try to reach for the phone.

"No!" You squealed, giggling as you shot up from the bed but Sam followed you and grabbed your body with his long, strong arms. You had no chance of escaping but you tossed the phone over to Dean. Sam didn't acknowledge the phone, he just loved messing around with you.

"Who's all tough now?" Sam snorted of laughter at you.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and hugs, having you three eventually falling asleep in the same bed, comfortably.

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