The "what if" world (part four)

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"What are you talking about, until midnight!?" You glared down Chuck, who giggled slightly.

"Yeah, sorry. You have until midnight to pick your life." Chuck once again shrugged his shoulders, not caring about what this means to you.

"Chuck, you little-"

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?!" Your husband raised his voice to get yours and Chucks attention. You both turn to him, realizing that your husband is lost and frankly scared.

"Oh-" You rushed over to him and placed your hand on his. "Chuck, please." You begged, "You can't make it so soon."

"I'm sorry, I can't stop it." Chuck in a sincerely tone answered.

"You're God for God sakes!" You yelled. "You can do anything! Fix this!" You screeched.

"What?" Your husband repeated once again, glancing at you in a begging way.

"She has until midnight to decide if she wants this life-" Chuck stopped for a moment.

"Or the hunting life." You finished Chucks sentence and sighed out heavily to your husband.

"Y/N, I still don't understand-" Your husband shook his head. "You just told me you love me and the boys too much to let us go." Your husband shot you a puzzled look.

"I know." You groaned out of frustration. "You." You pointed to Chuck in an angered way, "This would've never happened if you just left me alone at the bar!" You shouted.

"Y/N, I needed to show you." Chuck answered you in a calming tone, but you didn't return it.

"I was happy with my life until you had to screw it up!" You yelled back with much anger. You immediately knew what came out of your mouth sounded not right, so you turned to your husband who by your last breath, was already heart broken.

"So, uh me and the boys are screwups?" Your husband asked, dully.

"No, that is not what I mea-"

"No, go ahead and pick the other life. This isn't a tough decision for you, Y/N. In my world, you gave up hunting because you loved me too much to not be with me. We had two beautiful boys that we could call ours. But in your world? Me and the boys are just screwups and don't mean anything." Your husband shrugged, sniffling about to cry. You let one tear slip because of how heartbroken your husband was.


"I'm going upstairs with my boys. I'm not leaving them. Ever." Your husband spat, rushing upstairs to your two little innocent ones.

You groan out of frustration, seeing Chuck just stand there, waiting patiently.

"Wow, he's mad." Chuck chuckled.

"Why? Huh? Why? Why did you have to show me this would've been my life if I chose not to hunt? Huh? I chose hunting because I don't deserve to have this so called normal and perfect life with my so called handsome husband and my so called two beautiful kids. Why? Why would you put them in this situation? The three most innocent beings in the world. Why would you screw this up for them? To show me? You know what, Chuck. You showed me. You showed me. Yeah, you just reminded me how much I'm not capable of being loved or loving someone else. Go ahead. Do whatever you want to my life now, but you make sure they get the best out of it. Don't screw them up because you wanted to show me." You spat at Chuck angrily. Your nose flared but your face also dropped because you were exhausted.

Chuck stands there, transfixed.

Breathing out to calm down, you spoke weakly. "I'm going to go apologize to him. I may not know who he is, but he is my husband and I want him to know I would've never acted like this to him." You pointed upstairs, not breaking eye contact with Chuck. You then turned your body towards the stairs and walked.

Knocking on the door softly, you spot your husband and Sam and Dean asleep in their beds. Your husband was just sitting in a chair but when he heard the door creak, he glanced up.

"They're good boys." Your husband quietly whispered to you, looking at them sleep like little angels.

"I never said they weren't." You turned a little hostile.

Your husband gets up from the chair and walks out of the room, grabbing your arm gently to pull you into the hall.

"You have to give me some type of explanation here." Your husband sighs.

You stood there, still.

"I love you and the boys, I do-" Your voice quaking.

"But?" Your husbands eyes raised.

"No, there isn't a but." You shook your head.

Your husband glances at you, cracking a smile. He grabs your waist and pulls you in closely. You two touch foreheads.

"I chose hunting for a reason, though. I chose hunting because that is what I was destined to do." You pull back from your husbands forehead and cupped his cheeks. "I can't put you and the two kids in this situation knowing there would be apart of me regretting this life. You three are too innocent for this." You shed a tear.

Your husbands voice shakes, "But we are such a happy family."

"Oh, yes we are." You cupped your husbands cheeks and placed his nose on yours intensely. "But you three will find something happier." You placed a single kiss on his nose.

Knowing you were right, your husband cries softly. "Even though we've only known each other for so long, I feel like I've known you my whole life." Your husband sobs.

You wiped the tears away and slammed your body into his for a hug. You glanced at the clock, which read 11:55pm.

Letting go of the hug, you let go of your husbands hand not being able to see this while Chuck changes it back to your normal life. You backed up and when you reached the stairs, you tucked in your lips as your husband was standing by Sam and Deans bedroom door.

"I never got your name." You informed your husband.

"Castiel. Well, Cas." He shrugged.

You stood there, shocked and in awe. "I love you, Castiel."

"I love you too, Y/N." Castiel then turns to walk to the kids bedroom.

You glanced down to the stairs and witnessed Chuck there, hands intertwined in front of his stomach. By the look of your facial expression, he knew your decision.

You walked down the stairs and walked past Chuck, not saying a word.

"All I have to do is snap my fingers." Chuck informs you.

Your body was shaking, "This was the hardest decision I have ever had to make." Your eyes were red and exhausted. "I hate that you did this to me." Your voice was angry.

Chuck walks over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry."

Glancing up at Chuck, you could tell he was feeling terrible.

"Will I remember this? Will they?" You questioned Chuck, pointing your head upstairs.

"Do you want them to? Do you want to?" Chuck asked you, really wondering.

You shake your head, "No."

Chuck nods and gets his hand in a snapping position.


You nod.





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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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