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"No!" You yelled from your bedroom, tossing and turning on your bed. "Please, no!" You screeched. "No!" You screamed loudly.

Suddenly, you felt a familiar hand touch your leg as you shot up with your eyes widened, sweat on your forehead.

"Hey, it's me. Sam." Sam carcasses your back, shushing you quietly.

"Y/N, take a deep breath. It's us." Dean spoke in a gentle voice, having your two worried brothers on the right side of your bed.

"God, again? I'm so sorry." You breathed out, palms covering your face. You wiped your eyes.

"No, it's okay Y/N. We all have them." Sam reminded you. Dean rushes to the mini fridge you have in the room and grabs a water bottle.

"Here, drink this."

You grabbed the water bottle gently from Dean and drank almost half the bottle. You nodded to him that you were finished with it. "Thanks." You caught your breath again.

"Are you alright?" Dean questioned, glancing at you to answer.

"Yeah." You answered unsurely, "Why can't I get just one night of decent sleep." You shook your head, running your fingers through your tangled hair.

"We were made to never get any decent sleep." Sam jokes.

"Yeah, tell me about it." You scoffed. You shot up from your bed and headed to the corner of the room. You leaned on the old dresser. You sniffed.

"What happened in the dream?" Dean asked curiously.

"Does it matter?" You grunted, placing your palm once again on your tired face. "It was my fault."

"How was it your fault?" Sam questioned, wanting to know. Dean and Sam's face turned puzzled.

"Just lack of judgment, I guess." You sighed.

"I have some of Dad. You know, before he left us for hunting." Dean mentioned, tucking himself into your bed.

"Yeah?" You tilted your head.

"Hell yeah. Sometimes I wish they weren't dreams. Wish they were reality." Dean scoffed uneasily with laughter.

"What do you dream about Sammy?" You questioned him who was sitting at the edge of your bed.

"Hunts gone wrong. Terribly wrong." Sam answered. He grimaced at the fact making you realize that he hated talking about this subject.

"I still have the nightmares of when I was in Purgatory." You mentioned, glancing up at Dean.

"I hate to tell you this but that might never go away." Dean hated to mention the fact but you knew he was right. "Sammy and I hated that you had to go through that. Cas too."

"I can handle the dreams about Purgatory. When there's one where I lose either your or Sammy-" You shook your head and teared up, loosing your breath as you finished your sentence. "I'm sorry I woke you guys up." You apologized once again.

"I wasn't asleep anyway. Glad we came in when we did." Dean mentioned, covering himself up.

You scoffed of laugher, "You know, you have your own bed just down the hallway right?"

"Yours seems more comfortable." Dean fought.

"They're the same beds!" You yelped. You glanced over at Sam, who wasn't convinced that you were okay. You sighed as Sam looked away.

"Come on, Dean. Let her get some sleep. All of us for that matter." Sam shot up from the bed.

You chuckled lightly, seeing Dean get up from your bed. "Goodnight kiddo." Dean kissed your forehead as you shut your eyes.

You climbed into bed as you heard your bedroom door shut. You sighed deeply as you covered yourself with the covers. Turning to the side, you heard fluttering noises from the corner of the room.

"Seriously?" You grunted as you turned back around knowing exactly who it was going to be. Castiel.

"Come on, I was just about to go back to asleep." You annoyingly told Cas.

"My apologies." Cas answered in a tender voice.

You sat up from the bed and leaned your head on the back board of the bed. "Can I help you?" You chuckled to Cas.

"Oh-" Cas walked over to your bed closer, "Sam and Dean wanted me to check up on you." He whispered and turned back to the door, thinking Sam and Dean are there.

You annoyingly shook your head, "I'm fine, Cas. Oh, man. You've heard me say that multiple times." You laughed, but Cas didn't find any of this amusing. "Tough crowd." You cleared your throat.

"What was your dream about?" Cas asked. You rolled your eyes at the question.

"Nothing, just hunts." You lied straight to the Angel's face.

"That's crap." Cas shot.

"What?" You laughed awkwardly as you threw your covers off, knowing you weren't going to sleep anytime soon.

Cas shot you the bitch face that he caught on with you and your two brothers. "Come on, just hunts? That's every night. This one struck you differently. What was it?" Cas curiously questioned again.

"I'm going to bed." You snatch your covers and cover your whole body, including your head.

"Well, then. Goodnight." Cas walked towards the door.

You sighed out, turning over to the other side to reveal Cas almost out the door. "Wait." You sat up from your bed and Cas immediately turned around to you.

"You want to tell me now?" He scanned you, waiting for you to respond.

"Yeah." You gave in. Cas closed the bedroom door and sat in the chair that was in the corner. You placed yourself at the end of the bed and sighed,

"When I was in the cage with Lucifer-" You stopped mid sentence and tried to finish without breaking down. "He kept telling me things about my life. Things that weren't true but-"

"But?" Cas butted in, desperate for you to answer him.

"They seem like they're coming true." You finished, "Lucifer told me I'm not good for any of you boys. Strangely, I agree." You glanced up at Cas, who was lost in your statement.

"Lucifer is just trying to get into your head. And frankly, it's working. Don't let him to that to you, Y/N." Cas demanded in a sharp tone.

"I know, he's just really good at it." You laughed nervously. "The dream was just him getting into my head and that is the worst." You exhaled deeply.

"He's won't hurt you anymore." Cas mentioned.

"Yeah, physically." You scoffed. Cas shot you a 'come on' look.

"Your brothers and I will do anything to protect you. You know that, right?" Cas questioned.

"Of course I do." You chuckled, nodding. "And the same to you three." You stare at Castiels eyes as you two share one more intimate moment.

"You should get some rest. Sam picked up a case down in Wisconsin. Seems to me like we're dealing with vampires." Cas informed you, interrupting the awkward moment.

"Great." You smiled sarcastically. Cas stood up from the chair as you faced toward the opposite direction covered with your blankets. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Y/N." Cas shuts the door quietly and in a heart beat, you closed your eyes and slept. 

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now