Silly arguments

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"Shut your pie hole, Sam. Last time I checked I'm the driver." Dean spat as he played the same Metallica CD for the third time during this trip.

Sam rolled his eyes, "A radio wouldn't hurt for a change."

"Oh no. That's low even for you." You turned around to Sam having a disgusted look on your face. "I don't want to listen to the same, stupid pop songs over and over again."

"Well, I don't want to listen to the same, stupid CD over and over again." Sam huffed.

You frowned, "That's literally what I just said."

"Just shut up you two. Bickering about this won't chang-" Dean gets interrupted by the impala showing down, coming to a stop. "Son of a bitch."

"Did we just seriously run out of gas?" Sam asked from the back of the seat.

Dean got out of the car and opened the hood. "No, we just filled up baby a while ago at Bobby's."

"So, what is it?" You asked Dean, while he sat himself back in the drivers seat, looking at you with a nervous smile.

"What?" You asked again.

"Don't get mad at me." He warns.

"Never." You shot a sarcastic smile.

It came to you. Knowing what he was about to say, you spoke first, hoping it wasn't the reason why the car stopped.

You rolled your eyes, "Dean, please don't tell me that you didn't check the oil before we left the bunker."

He chuckled lightly, "How did you guess? So spot on." Dean jokes.

"I told you to check it last night! Damnit, Dean!"

"I'm sorry! I totally forgot!" Deans voice raised.

"You didn't forget to pick up that girl last night." You spat.

Deans eyes widened. "Yeah, I know what goes on in the bunker." You tell him, scanning up and down at him, letting him know.

He sighs aggressively, "Stay out of my business, Y/N! My sexy time does not concern you!"

"It does now. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere because of you." You sat back on your seat and crossed your arms.

"Guys stop fighting." Sam said. "It doesn't help at all."

"Thank you, Sammy." You took a breath, appreciating him, taking your side on this.

"I'm not taking either of your guys sides. Besides, you should've known Dean was going to forget. So you are no better than him."

Your jaw dropped. "I don't see you helping at all, Sam. All you do is complain about the music in the car." You ruthlessly say.

"Complain? This morning you were the one complaining about how you always sit in the back seat. I was nice enough to let you sit shotgun." Sam indicated.

"Look who's arguing now, Sammy? Both of you complain to much. I'm tired of you guys blaming me for something that anyone could do on accident." Dean butted into the argument, making everything worse.

You groaned, having enough of arguing with thing one and thing two. You turned your body towards the window, curling up next to the door.

"You know doing that doesn't make you disappear, right?" Sam cackled. Without even a thought, you pushed yourself into the back seat, trying to tackle Sam. He continued to laugh, making you more hostile than ever, knowing you were never going to beat him.

"Alright, sis I'm sorry. I give up." He laughs again, holding onto my arm. I tried to reach for his chest to hit him, but he was just too damn strong.

"You guys are so immature!" Dean shouted as he tried to pull you off of Sam in the front seat, which he successfully did in a heartbeat. You yanked yourself off of Sam and bolted out of the car.

"Where are you going?" Dean yelled, poking his head out the window.

Without even looking back, you continued to walk.

"Hitchhiking! We have to be in Oregon by tomorrow! I'm not just going to stay here waiting with you two dummies!" You shouted, making it clear that they heard you.

"She's unbelievable." Sam unnecessarily speaks.

"I heard that!" You spat, turning around and glaring at him. He returns the glare and you stand there, crossing your arms.

You hear a honk from behind you and you turn around, seeing a car pulling up next to you.

A rather handsome man rolled down his window and spoke softly.

"You lost? I can give you a lift? Where you headed?"

Before you could even respond, you hear Sam and Dean yell your name.


You turn around and see that Sam and Dean were dashing towards you.

"We don't need anything from you." Dean says in a rudely tone, but the man didn't catch it.

"Well, can I at least get your number?" The man looks at you in his deep blue eyes, which all of a sudden, turned into demon eyes.

"Oh, hell no." You grabbed Sam and Deans arm and dragged them back to the car.

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