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"Dean, this is ridiculous! I'm fine!" You had a broken ankle. You didn't know why Dean and Sam were being like this, you've dealt with so much worse.

"No Y/N, you can't even walk!" Deans tone made it clear that there is no buts, clear he wouldn't change his mind. That didn't stop you from trying.

"Yes I can!" You crawled off the bed and stood up. You tried to hide the pain, no way in hell you'd let Dean know he was right. You ignored the stabbing pain in your ankle and tried to hobble over to where he and Sam were standing.

Sam pursed his lips disapprovingly, but stayed silent knowing you would just ignore his protests.

"Shit!" Your ankle gave out beneath you, barely managing to stop yourself from falling to the ground by grabbing the side of the bed.

Sam rushed to help you get settled back on the bed and Dean took his moment to say 'i told you so'. "See, Y/N. Like I said you can't even walk! You're staying here." He demanded. You rolled your eyes, not admitting that Dean was right. If you went on the hunt, you would only cause more pain by yourself or your brothers.

"Don't leave the motel room, we'll be back in a couple of hours. Love ya, kid." Dean ordered as he walked out of the room.

"Don't leave the room." You mocked Dean, only letting Sam hear you.

Sam let out a little laugh, "Love you, Y/N. And stay off your ankle." Sam adds.

You nodded a 'love you too' as your brothers left. You flipped through the channels eventually coming to the conclusion that the motel Tv sucked.

*some times passes*

Your head snapped to the door of the sound of a loud banging. Your heart started to race. Sam and Dean wouldn't be back until later tonight and the 'Do Not Disturb' sign was on the door.

You contemplated your options. One, do what your brothers would want: stay inside and ignore it. Two, do what your instinct was telling you: go outside and see if someone needed your help.

You didn't get the chance to decide because the next second, the door busted open revealing three large men and a blonde woman standing in front of them. Her eyes flashed back and your eyes widened as you scrambled for something to defend yourself with.

You grabbed your gun off the nightstand beside you. It wouldn't do you much good, but it was better than nothing.

The four stormed inside and the two of the men made a beeline for you. You launched off the bed, immediately regretting your decision when you landed on your hurt ankle. You shot the man closest to you, causing him to hesitate for a second. You took your chance and hobbled through the bathroom door. Before you could even get through the door, it was slammed shut by an invisible force.

"Well, well, well, looks like we found ourself a Winchester," the woman taunted you while she slowly walked towards you.

You fired the last bullets in your gun in her chest and she didn't even flinch. She raised her hands suddenly, not letting you breathe. You struggled against the invisible force, but it was useless.

"Ruby, stop! He says he wants her alive!" One of the men behind her yelled as black spots began to fill your vision. Your heartbeat started to pound in your ears, you needed to breathe.

Letting a little bit of force go, she turned her head and scowled at him. "I know what he wants!" She turns back to you, "Don't worry, darling, he'll take care of you later." She lets out a laugh.

Everything went black.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now