Don't tell Dean

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"How am I supposed to help get groceries around here when Dean won't let me even touch the impala?" You threw your hands in the air in annoyance.

You and Sam were at the bunker having a chill day as Cas and Dean were out on a case. You wanted to drive the impala just to see how it is but you never had a chance because of Dean being overprotective by it.

"Dean will kill you if you even start the ignition." Sam chuckled, opening up a can of beer.

"Come on, Deans with Cas. He'll never know!" You tempted Sam, who immediately shook his head.

"No, Y/N. Dean will figure it out." Sam informed you.

"You're just chicken." You mocked a chicken as you were walking like one to get closer and closer to Sam.

"Y/N, stop acting like a child." Sam rolled his eyes. He then took a sip of his beer and opened up his laptop to check on any strange activity around town.

"It was worth a shot." You finally gave up as you sat next to Sam on the table, taking a swig of your beer.

As some time passes, you come out of your room and see that Sam was almost about to pass out on the chair. His eyes kept on shutting then opening.

"Maybe you should go to bed. You know, relax." You told Sam as he shot up from your voice, startling him.

"Hm? What? Oh, yeah." Sam snapped out of it and yawned, closing his laptop.

"I'll see what I can make for dinner." You offered as Sam got up from the chair, walking like a zombie to his bedroom.

You decided to make your moms famous spaghetti and meatballs with sauce. Taking out all the ingredients, something caught your eye. The Impala keys.

"No, Y/N. You gotta respect Sams and Deans boundaries and not drive the impala." You talked yourself out of it but then other thoughts ran through your head.

"But it's not like I'm going to crash it." You scoffed with laughter, eyeballing the keys again. They were calling you.

Without no hesitation, you decided to take it for a little test run. You weren't going to crash it because you are a good driver with no record of anything.

Quietly, you took the keys and headed up the stairs to the garage of the bunker. You quickly unlocked the impala door and got into the drivers seat. You had to be honest, you kinda felt bad that you were driving it with no permission but, it felt nice to not be in the backseat for once.

Sticking the key into the ignition, the impala started beautifully. You were in awe by the sound and the garage door opened by the movement of you backing up the car.

You decided just to go around the woods for only about ten minutes, not having the boys know that you drove it.

As you were jamming to the music of your choice for once, you heard your phone buzzing from the back of your pocket. You groaned as you took it out, revealing it was Dean. Your eyes widened by the fact, turning off the impala and turning down Kansas.

"Hey, Dean! What's up?" Your voice went up about three octaves, trying to not sound guilty.

"Hey, hows everything at the bunker?" Dean asked, curiously.

"Everything is good." You smiled through the phone.

"Where's Sammy?" Dean asked.

"He's taking a nap. How's the case? Find anything?" You asked, turning down the radio even more so you don't take any chances of Dean finding out.

As Dean was explaining it over the phone, you were looking straight ahead and saw a man standing in front of you. A man you haven't seen before. You gasped, having Dean hear it.

"What? What happened?" Dean questioned you as you weren't paying attention.

"I, uh, gotta go." You hung up the phone quickly as the man kept on staring at you. You raised a eyebrow and just decided to just drive away.

"Okay?" You scoffed and put the keys in the ignition and turned it on, but the impala wouldn't start. "What the hell?" You suddenly freaked out and took the keys out and tried again, but no luck.

"Shit." You clenched your teeth, turning your wrist for it to work. No luck.

You glanced up, seeing the man was gone. Your eyes turned confused and suddenly, from the corner of your eye, the man breaks the impala window and starts to attack you.

"Hey!" You grunted, having the man drag you out of the window and succeeding.

As your fighting him, you are covered by bruises and cuts from the glass of the impala window and you start to lose your strength. You stopped fighting and let the man drag you away.

He takes you down a hill as you are just moving your body for him to at least let his strong grip slide so you can stab him with the blade. You knew he was a archangel because of his black dark eyes, staring you down when you are on the floor, being dragged in the dirt.

When you reach the downhill, he rag dolls you onto the floor and you grunt out of pain.

"Who are you?" You question him, eyes blinking to get a good look at the archangel.

Without an answer, he searches you for your weapons and tossed them about five feet away from you. Your body went into attack and he stopped it by slapping you in the face. You screech in pain.

"Sam nor Dean can't help you." He informed you with a evil smirk on his face. Your nose flared. "That's a nice car. Sorry I had to break the window." He sarcastically mentioned.

"Sorry that I'll break your face in a second." You angrily shot at him.

"Oh." He chuckled in a asshole way and you kept your blurry eye on him. "Lucifer has a few words for you." He nods, wiping away a blood smear on your cheek. You turned away harshly.

"I'm going to kill you and then Lucifer." You smirked, chuckling softly.

"Come on, you don't-" Suddenly, you hear an electric sound, having the archangel fall to the floor hard. You saw a familiar face and voice head over towards you. Sam.

"What happened?" He picked you up from the floor and you could barely stand.

"I-uh-" You stuttered. You blinked about ten times to get your vision to be clear, not answering Sams question.

"I was just here taking a walk and-" You sighed,  Sam knowing you were lying by the look he was shooting you.

"Weird because I see the Impala right over there." Sams eyes widened, pointing to the car that was in eye sight.

"Heh." You chuckled nervously, giving Sam the puppy dog eyes.

"No, Y/N. Dean is going to kill you. I saw the window." Sam scoffed.

"It wasn't my fault! The archangel broke it." You informed Sam, standing up quickly but regretted it by almost falling. Sam caught you. "And the car wouldn't start." You groaned.
"Don't tell Dean." You begged, glancing up at Sam who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Let's get you back to the bunker and get you cleaned up." Sam grabbed your waist and led you to the broken impala. "You can handle Dean when he gets home." Sams eyes widened, knowing you were going to get yelled at by Dean. There's no way you can hide his.

You two got to the impala and you threw yourself in shotgun, arms crossed and eyes directly at the road. Sam sat on the drivers seat and it immediately started. Sam shot you a 'really?' look. You sighed, knowing you weren't going to get out of this situation alive.

"Don't tell Dean."

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