family isnt just blood

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You and Sam were sitting at the kitchen table, reading cases near towns around you. You glanced up, revealing Dean walk in right to the coffee pot.

"Morning, sunshines." Deans voice turned rusty, taking out a coffee cup out of the cupboard.

"Hey." Sam greeted back but you stayed silent, interested in the case you were reading.

"What y'all watching? Porn, nip slip?" Dean chuckled lightly and you scoffed quietly to yourself in disgust.

"You know, there's so much out there in the internet then just porn. You know that, right?" You questioned Dean, with the disgust look still planted on your face.

"Not my internet." Dean turned his head over to you and smirked.

"Gross, dude." You clenched your teeth and rolled your eyes.

"So this girl's body was found outside of Big Creek State Park in Iowa. Police saying it was a animal attack because of the bite marks all over her body." Sam changed the subject quickly as possible.

"But?" Dean questioned, going over to the chair next to you and stared at Sam for an answer while sipping his coffee.

"Well me and Sammy were digging while you were having your wet dreams and found out that there isn't a lot of bodies but a lot but a lot of people do go missing in the park." You informed Dean.

"We go back to 06 and find about three missing persons reports and it goes all the way back to 54." Sam added.

"Sounds like our thing." Dean nodded.

"Yeah, definitely." You state.

"You sure you're up for it? You said you wanted to take some time off to rest up." Dean reminded you. You simply nodded quickly back to Dean.

"Yeah, I'm all rested up. Really." You smiled nervously.

Dean stared down Sam, really wondering if you were okay.

You break the awkward silence, "Okay, I'll go grab Jack then." You shot up from the chair but Deans voice stopped you midway, having you place yourself back down.

"I don't want Jack on this." Dean shook his head 'no.'

"I thought you said Donatello gave him the all clear?" Sam shot a confused look at both you and Dean.

"Yeah, he did." Dean simply nods unsurely.

"Then what's the problem?" You asked with a little attitude in your tone.

"Jack just got his mojo back. He got us in trouble with his powers in the past. I just want to make sure he's good good." Dean explained.

It made sense but now long would that take? You asked yourself in your head.

Yeah, yeah, sounds about right." Sam agreed. You weren't all the way sure though.

You, Sam and Dean walk into the bunker library and see Jack sitting there, reading a random book he found on the shelf.

"Good reading there, jack?" You smiled

"Yeah, did you know that actually hurting a animal is animal abuse now? It says here on the code 246 section 45." Jack simply stated, really interested in the book.

You nodded, trying to be interested as well but it showed on your face that you weren't.

"Sam? Dean? You wanted to tell jack something?" You moved the awkwardness over to them.

Dean shot you a glare and his eyes went back to jack who was just staring in the book.

"We caught a case. um, me, Y/N and Dean." Sam rearranged the words so Jack doesn't think he meant Jack also.

"Okay, I'll watch over the bunker then. Jacks answer surprised you three. you all shared a shocked glance.

"So you're-" You stopped Dean from talking while slapping his chest. He groaned by it and you chuckled nervously at Jack and continued deans sentence.

"So, you're good watching the bunker while we're gone?" You asked in a concerned voice.
"Yeah, you guys go ahead. I know you guys don't need me. Jack smiled lightly at you three. Your heart immediately broke.

Dean and Sam just stood there quiet but you knew exactly how Jack felt. When you came back from purgatory, you felt like you were helpless because of all the things you went though. You were scared of your own shadow and everyone around you. You were frightened of things you were around everyday. demons, archangels witches, you name it. You knew how Jack was feeling and you wanted to talk to him about how he's not alone in this.

"Why don't you guys wait in the Impala. I'll pack some snacks for the road." You nodded to your two brothers Sam and Dean, informing them you needed to talk to Jack privately. They caught the signal, returning the nod gently and headed up the stairs to the Impala.

"Jack." You simply state his name in a gentle voice.

"Yes?" His innocent voice was timid without lifting his head from the book.

"I don't want you ever telling yourself we don't need you. Jack, you're family to us. You laughed nervously to him as you sat in the chair next to him. he sets his book on his lap and sighed heavily.

"Sam and Dean don't feel that way. I look up to you guys like you're my friends but I feel like they don't feel the same." Jack honestly answered, shutting the book. Your heart broke again but this time into a million pieces.

"They are tough on you because they care. Trust me. As their sister, I tried to understand but I do now because they love me. They care about you like a brother." You informed him.

"Then why do I still feel like they don't need me?" Jack questioned himself and you.

You sighed, "When I returned back to purgatory, I felt the same way. I was useless to Sam and Dean. I was scared of everything coming my way. I thought I let Sam and Dean down but I didn't, jack. they were just scared for me so they react in ways we might never understand but you always have to remember. It's because they love us and want us safe."

You stare at Jack whose eyes were staring at the brick wall. Suddenly, his eyes turned to you.

"I do love you guys like family." Jack stated.

You nodded, hiding a tear that fell from your cheeks.

"And we love you." You sniffed.

Jack nodded, standing up and placing the book on the chair. He stood there and you shot up immediately. You pulled jack in for a hug to comfort him.

"I'll see you later, okay?" You softly told jack as you were pulling away from the hug.

You walked up the three steps and heard Jack's voice speak once more, but more determined.

"Y/N?" His voice spoke gently.

You turned, revealing Jacks eyes staring at you in relief.

"Thank you." Jack simply smiled

"Anytime." You sweetly smiled back.

You walked out of the bunker knowing that you changed jacks perspective about how he feels about himself, feeling proud of yourself that you got Jack to be himself again. Because being yourself is everything.

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