Three months (part five)

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As six o'clock finally rolled around, you were sitting in your bed waiting for Carson to come. Soon enough, it hit six thirty. Six forty-five.

You decide to call up Carson, but then it went straight to voicemail. You groan, throwing your phone on the bed and then covering back up with the covers. You thought that maybe something bad happened to him. Maybe a demon saw us together and now he's going to hurt Carson because of me. As you were drifting off with these thoughts, you hear your phone vibrate again.

Carson: Hey, I'm sorry. I'll be over in a couple of minutes. I had to stay over.

You replied to him quickly.

You: Okay

You tossed your phone again watching the door nervously. All of a a sudden, you hear a knock on the door. You didn't even let Carson finish his knocking because you opened it. You then just see his face worried and just set some of your body weight on him, hugging him.

"Y/N, you okay?" Carson asked. You still held onto him in front of your doorstep with him not even stepped into your apartment. You felt his strong muscles grip you and pushed you into your apartment without letting go. You felt him pull you away so he could look at you.

"Y/N." He gently pushes you away and revealing your tired, red eyes that look like they have been crying all day.

"I'm sorry, I just really needed you here." You huffed, not being able to control your breathing because you were so angry, tired, sad, and depressed all in one. He then cupped your cheeks into his hand and wiped away the tears.

"I'm here now, love. Tell me what happened." He softly spoke. He takes your hand and leads you to the couch. You sat down closely to him and told him everything.


"It's all my fault!" You bitterly say, putting your hands inside your face, hiding your shame.

"No, you were just standing your ground." Carson assures you, taking your hands out of your face. He faces your body towards him and he looks into your eyes. "Listen to me, if your brothers can't accept that you are happy, then you should just forget about them."

You acknowledged what Carson was saying, but it's not that easy. You loved Sam and Dean so much. You have been though everything with them, and you mean everything!

"Yeah, but am I really happy?" You asked yourself and Carson.

"Wait, you're not happy?" He adjusts himself to be more taller, alert to what you just said.

"I am, it's just-"

Carson interrupted you. "If you're not happy, then why don't you go back to hunting!" He raises his voice to you, making your eyes narrow at him.

"I don't know." You simply answer, trying to keep your anger in.

"You have to chose, Y/N. You don't know what you want, that's the problem." Carson scoffs and picks himself up the couch.

"I know what I want!" You yell, standing up next to him, glaring.

"Look, I don't want to fight. I just want you to be happy that's all." Carson calmly tells you, sitting you back down. You automatically just let the anger and confession come out of you.

"It's hard, Carson! I would just leave, but I met you and you have been a big impact in my life for the past three months and I just can't leave you! I love you, and we've gotten so close and I don't want to throw it away." You let a tear slip away from your face. You stare at Carson who just looks at you in sorrow.

He then leans in to kiss you and you deepen the kiss, having wanting to do this for so long. You then push him down on the couch, with you being on top of him.

He tugs on your shirt for you to take it off and you gladly accepted it. You slipped it over your head while he leaves sloppy kisses on your neck. You giggle with pleasure and then tug on his shirt, letting him take it off as fast as he could.

As you two were kissing each other passionately, he lifts you up and takes you over to the unmade bed. He sets you down gently letting him be on top this time. He slides his body on yours, letting you wrap your legs over his torso.

"Is this okay?" He asks you.

"Of course. Now stop talking." You tug him down to you, kissing him. He laughs at your statement in between kisses, turning you on.

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