protection (part two)

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You, Sam and Dean head out to go find Cas. You had a tracking system to find where ever he is, making it easier to find him. You guys didn't trust Cas or his intentions were when you first met him, but you soon discovered that he wasn't trying to destroy you, he was helping you, Sam and Dean out.

Cas recently left Heaven to be a part of the hunting life with you guys, and now he has a lot of enemies. The crappy thing is, innocent people lose their lives because the people in Heaven go about any measures to find Cas and bring him back. This was maybe one of them. 'Personal"

As Dean was driving the Chevy Impala, you had the tracking system in your hand, heading in the right direction where Cas was headed.

"Okay, he's in Stillwater..... Oklahoma? About thirty minutes away?" You looked at the tracking system again, confused. "Why would he be in Stillwater?"

"Maybe meeting up with someone." Sam mentions.

"Why did that sound like a question? Do you know what you're doing, Y/N?" Dean looked back at you while he was driving.

"Do you know what you're doing?" You mocked Dean in a childish voice. In the rear view mirror, you saw Dean, who was glaring at you.

"What, Dean? Look at the road." You threatened him, looking down at the tracker, following the arrow with your tired eyes.

Dean grunts, annoyingly.

"Come on, guys." Sam turns towards you, then turns to Dean.

"She started it." Dean wined again.

You hold back your tongue wanting to say more, it was hard. You and Dean always got into petty fights or huge ones in that matter, and Sam always has to stop it.

"It's like I'm the parent instead of the middle child." Sam jokes.

You looked down at the tracker, finding that he has moved closer to your area. He was about ten minutes away now.

"Guys, he's like three blocks away!" You eagerly say.

"What? Let me see." Sam holds out his hand and you handed the tracker to him.

"Now it's saying that he's........"

You felt like someone was next to you, so you looked and Cas was there, looking forward.

"Jesus!" You screamed, making Dean jerk on the wheel. Dean pulls over recklessly, making the car almost run into a tree.

"Cas, what the hell?" Dean spats in anger.

"I told you guys to stay back at the bunker. Turn around." Cas demanded.

"No, what the hell is going on?" You wanted answers from Cas. He did hide some things from you guys, but he told you sooner or later.

"It's not your problem, I'll handle it." Cas says in a quiet tone, making it seem like he had everything under control. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

"We want to help you, Cas." Sam sincerely tells Cas, but Cas wouldn't budge.

"I can't!" Cas says in a hostile voice, making you, Sam and Dean all look at each other in worry.

Cas gets out of the car, leaving the door opened. You follow him, slamming the door behind you.

"Cas, can't you tell me what the hell is going on?" You walked over to him, furious that he wouldn't tell you what was going on.

"Get back in the car." Cas walks over to you, in a fast motion.

"No." You scorned.

He looked at you, letting out a sigh. "Y/N, please." He begged. You still didn't move a muscle. You hear two door slams behind you.

"Cas, you can talk to us. We want to protect you." You say in a caring tone.

"You can't protect me, none of you can." Cas turns his eyes towards Sam and Dean, who were in front of the Chevy.

"Try me." You softly meek.

Cas hesitates to speak, but his words were almost coming out of his mouth, so he spoke.

"I'm protecting you." Cas says, who was angst.

"Me? From what?" You tried to ease the tension by letting out a slight giggle.

"From....... Lucifer." Cas uneasily let that word slip his mouth.

You suddenly felt ill. Lucifer? He was the one who sent you to Hell, and decided for you not to come back. Butterflies were in your stomach, but not in a good way.

"Lucifer?" You say alarmed.

"What does he want with her?" Sam says, unintentionally bumped into you, walking over to Cas.

"He wants to speak to her." Cas spoke. Cas looked at you and you were just staring at him, blankly.

"Well that's not happening. If he goes near her, we will kill him." Dean threatened.

"You just can't kill Lucifer, Dean. He's a pretty tough person to defeat even if you have a army." Cas mentioned.

"What does he want to talk to her about?" Sam asked.

"He won't tell me." Cas looks at you again, filled with anxiety.

"Then I will find out." You bravely say, making all the boys look at you in shock.

"No." Cas demanded.

"Not to sound rude, but you can't tell me what I can or can't do." You sigh, putting your hand on your hips.

"I'm supposed to protect you. All of you." Cas warns you all, looking at you all in the eyes. His ambition was to take care of you, Sam and Dean, and you didn't want to put him in harms way for protecting you, but you needed to find out what Lucifer wanted.


You all got into the car after this was settled. You were going to meet up with Lucifer, but Sam, Dean and Cas were going to protect you by hiding out.

You appreciated them. All of them. Cas was important to you. Whenever he'd put himself in harms way to protect you, you felt you needed to return the favor some how. So, you felt like this would be it. To end Lucifer once and for all.

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