the trap (y/n version part two)

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Back at the bunker, you and Cas are performing Michaels spell. As Cas was stating the words, you stopped him for a minute.

"Wait a minute, are you sure?" You glanced up at him, eyes worried.

"Y/N, you've already taken the Mark, you can't take it again. I can, it's the only way." Cas explained.

"Okay." You simply answered. Cas cuts his plan simply with a little wince coming out of him and he spills it in.

Purple smoke is absorbed in to a marble ball held by Cas.

"Because I'm taking the Mark someone else will have to destroy this. You, Dean orSam." Cas informed in a serious tone.

You nodded simply with his instructions.

You and Cas enter the casino glancing around and finding not one single soul.

"Sam?" Your eyes wandered the casino as you heard his weeping voice echo.

"Y/N help, help me!" He anxiously weeped.

"Sam hey, where's Dean? Chuck?" You curiosity asked as you snapped the holdings that were tied to him.

"I don't know but he's close. Watch out!" Sam yelped as you turned around and saw Dean smack you to the floor.

"Chuck!" Dean yelled, immediately seeing that Chuck was controlling Dean.

"It's me you want, Chuck. I'm right here!" You stood up but a little burry eyed by Deans hit.

"Dean, I don't wanna hurt you." You stood up in a fight stance but Dean was wrestled to the ground by Cas.

You sighed out, hearing a familiar voice behind you.

"Hi, Y/N." He smiled.

You punched Chuck, "You know I had to."

Chuck sends you flying across the room. As Chuck over powered you, he ripped your flannel open on your left shoulder and started digging into the wound.


"Me too." Chuck sighed as he kept on digging into your wound. Flash backs of memories that you didn't want to occur hit your mind, having everything around you turn blurry.

Cas rolled the ball towards you and it rolled right into your hand as you had the power to push Chuck off of you.

"Y/N, smash it now!" Dean screamed at you.

"Well, Y/N." Chuck sucked in through his teeth.


You hopelessly fall to your knees, "I can't." You panted.

"What?" Sam questioned, stunned.

"I can't, I'm sorry, I just can't." You huffed out.

"What did you do to her?" Dean angrily shot at Chuck. Suddenly, a light flashed on your shoulder and you moved your flannel slightly to see that it was gone.

"What?" You whispered, confused.

"Oh yeah, yeah that's the stuff." Chuck sighed out in relief.

"What happened?" Cas asked, eyes widened.

"Ah short version, Y/N lost hope and now I'm free. Hey take it easy on the kid. It took a lot to beat it out of her." Chuck suddenly picked up the ball by his feet and destroyed it with his own two hands.

You closed your eyes, knowing this was all your fault, begging by your facial expression to have mercy. Sam rushes over to you and puts your whole body on his to rest it. He caresses your hair as you hopelessly watch Chuck destroy your life.

"No!" Dean angrily shot. "You're not gonna dust us."

"Oh, yeah? Why not?" Chuck chuckled.

"Chuck, please!" You begged.

"Because you're holding out... for your big finish. Yeah, we know about your galaxy brained idea. How you think this story is gonna go. Y/N has had a look in to your draft folder." Dean explained to Chuck in frustration.

"Y/N visions, they weren't drafts, they were memories... my memories. Other Sams and other Y/N and Deans in other worlds. And guess what, just like you they didn't think they'd do it either but they did and you will too." Chuck nodded surely.

"No, Not this Sam and not this Dean so you go back to earth 2 and play with your other toys because we will never give you the ending that you want." Dean got closer to Chuck.

"We'll see." Suddenly, Chuck disappears.
In the bunker, you, Cas and Dean were at the kitchen table, waiting for Sam to say goodbye to Eileen.

Sam suddenly walked in, leaning on the wall.

"Did she leave?" Dean dimly asked.

"Yep, yeah" Sam uneasily answered.

"Sorry." Dean simply apologized. You glanced down at the kitchen table, angry that you let Chuck get to you like this.

"It was our chance, to stop Chuck but what chuck showed me, what would happen if we trapped him. I believed him, I still do." You huffed out to Cas and your two brothers.
"Well that's good enough for me." Dean took a long swig of his beer and sets it down. He grabbed your hand and nodded. "It's okay."

"Okay erm, so what now?" Sam questioned.

"Now Chuck's gone but,"

"He'll be back-" You stopped for a moment, "For me."

"If we can't kill him or trap him-"

"Well then we find another way." Dean nodded to you, making you feel a little better with this but not much. You ran your fingers through your hair in stress. You shot up and spoke in a surely tone.

"Let's get to work, then."

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