the "what if" world (part one)

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On a rainy afternoon, you, Sammy and Dean were on your way to Wisconsin for a hunt.

"Can we please stop somewhere? I need to pee." You wined from the backseat.

"I told you to go at the bunker!" Dean answered you from the drivers seat.

"That was literally five hours ago!" You shouted in an annoyed tone.

Sam glanced up from his computer, "Look, there's a bar right there. Let's just stop there and get some drinks and let Y/N pee." Sam told Dean.

Dean groaned and turned into the lane to head to the bar.

"Thank you, Sammy. At least someone cares about by bladder." Your rolled your eyes nonchalantly to Dean. Unfortunately, he saw you in the mirror.

The impala pulled into a parking lot and you opened the door quickly. You rushed into the bar.

The bar had about six people max, counting the bartenders. You glanced around the atmosphere and hurried over to the restroom.

The bathroom smelled like whisky and dirt. It was filthy but you really had to go.

Walking out, you shook your hands to dry them because there were no towels.

"Hey, we ready?" You questioned Sam and Dean who have not moved since you were in the bathroom.

"Yes, please. This place gives me the creeps and I never say that about bars." Dean chuckled, having you and Sam not finding that amusing.

As you three attempted to head out, you heard one of the bartenders call you from over the counter.

"You folks just got here! Come sit, first round us on me." One of the bartenders stopped you three from heading out by his voice. You three immediately turned around and a man about fifty with a beard and belly greeted you.

He pulls out three shot glasses and sets them on the counter. He pours the whiskey in and nodded in a friendly way.

"Don't mind if we do." Dean rushed over to the bar and grabbed the shot. He turned to you and Sammy that were a little skeptical. "Come on. Sammy, you were the one that said we could drink." Dean reminded him. Dean took the shot. "WHOO!"

Sam regretted it immediately but walked over to Dean who was casually talking to the bartender.

About an hour passed and you and Dean were more drunk than you would like to admit.

"Okay, you guys are cut off." Sam took away the glasses that surrounded you three.

"You're no fun!" You hiccuped, giggling afterwards.

"I don't know who's going to drive baby but it sure isn't me." Dean tossed you the keys but you were too drunk to catch them.

"You want me to drive baby?" You slurred, leaning on Sam who was holding your whole body weight for you to not fall. "Yes!"

"No, I'm driving it." Sam grabbed the keys from off the floor.

"Did you just call baby 'it'?" Dean shot angrily at Sam but in a drunk anger.

"Come on, you two can sober up in the car." Sam grabbed your shoulders and led you over to the door.

"No." You fought, standing by the stool that you were sitting on, "I don't wanna go." You wined, sitting your butt down on the stool. "Can I get-"

"Oh, no you don't. Come on." Sam grunted, pulling your dead weight off the stool. Dean was drunk, but he was aware of what was going on. Objects around you were super blurry and you couldn't really comprehend anything but you tried.

"Let me just drink!" You yelped, grabbing a random beer from a customer at the bar. As you went to go take a sip, Sam grabbed it from your hand and placed it on the counter.

"Y/N-" Sam stated your name in an annoyed tone, "Let's go. We have a case, remember?"

"Fine, fine." You finally gave up, "God, why did we even become hunters anyway? It's always 'help me, help that, come save me, Winchester's!'" You mocked in a childish voice. "Who do we call when we need saving?" You rambled to Sam and Dean.

"What is she even talking about?" The bartender asked as he witnessed Sam and Dean struggling to escort you out of the bar.

"She's just talking nonsense." Dean uneasily answered the bartender.

"No! You know exactly what I mean!" You burped, "You see, me and these bums go around the world and save people from monsters like-"

"Okay, that's enough." Sam then immediately picked you up off the floor and carried you out the door.

"No, I'm serious!" You yelped, giggling on Sam's back.

"Can you keep it down?" Dean shot and by the sounds of it, he was experiencing the hangover sooner than expected.

Sam puts you down gently and you leaned your whole body weight on the impala, "You know, sometimes I wish I wasn't even a hunter! Ha!" You laughed hysterically at Sam and Dean who just glance at you and shake their heads.

Suddenly, your surroundings around you went black.

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