big brothers duties

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Having your eyes open by the sun hitting your eyelids, you yawned followed by a sigh and pushed yourself out of bed.

You placed up your hair in a ponytail and splashed cold water in your face, trying to get the tiredness off your face. You glanced up in the mirror, eyes still droopy.

You groaned as you put on jeans and a flannel over your shirt that was your dads. You dug under your bed for your combat boots and slipped them on. Fixing your wrinkly clothes, you opened up the bedroom door, immediately hearing Sams and Deans voice echo through the halls in the library.

"He's dangerous. I don't want you nor Y/N going near him, you hear me Sammy? I'm not joking." Deans voice turned serious as you turned the corner. You stood there, having them both just glance over at you. Your eyes wandered away from them to not make it awkward.

"Who's dangerous?" You casually questioned, walking to the library table and leaned on the chair. Sam and Dean shoot a look at each other, eyebrows narrowed. "Who?"

"No one-"


They stumbled on their words in unison.

"Ah, no one Michael. Never heard of him but I've heard of just Michael." You sarcastically smiled at Dean, who was the one who said no one in the beginning.

"Sam." Dean grunted.

"She needs to know. She's apart of this just as much as we are." Sam reminded Dean.

"He wants us dead. He specifically wants her dead." Dean empathized on her as he pointed to you, having your eyes widen in terror.

"I know but-"

"No, Sam. I don't care. He's seriously dangerous." Dean reminded both of you. You nodded and agreed with Dean on that part but apart of you wanted to fight Michael, no matter what the cost was.

"He's going to be a threat forever. Why not just try to fight him and see how it goes?" You question Dean. Sam shots you a look and turned back to Dean.

"We've faced more horrible." Sam acknowledged.

Dean just angrily stared you and Sammy down, making you turn uncomfortable.


"Stay away from him. Especially you, Y/N. He will kill you in a instant. No hesitation." Dean calmly reminded both of you. Dean glared at you, knowing you were the one that is most likely to go against his wishes.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

*time passes*

Your brothers and you were sitting in the bunker library searching up some spells to attempt to defeat Michael. You were stressed, so you decided to go outside of the bunker to get some fresh air.

"I'm going to go get some air." You stood up angrily, shoving your seat in.

"Y/N, it's okay." Dean reminded you.

Ignoring him, you head up the stairs and end up outside.

Watching the dark clouds roam by, you stare at them with your tired, e/c eyes. You sighed heavily, hearing a whoosh from about a mile away. You turned curiously, shrugging your shoulders as you saw nothing and focused back on the clouds. Suddenly, you hear footsteps approach closer to you. You glanced behind you quickly, revealing nothing.

"I'm going crazy." You grunted to yourself.

Heading back into the bunker, you reveal Dean having the impala keys in his hand and Sam behind him.

"We're going to go get some food. Y/N, what do you want?" Dean asked.

"Burger and fries." You simply answered, throwing yourself back on the chair. You pulled Sams laptop closer to you and studied the screen.

"Ah ah ah-" Sam shut the laptop and continued, "Wait until we get back. Take a few minutes off." Sam encouraged.

"Yeah, okay." You sighed, leaning back on the chair with your eyes closed.

"Stay out of trouble." Dean simply reminded you out of the blue.


"Just let him be, Y/N" Sam chuckled a little, walking up the stairs and Dean following, glaring you down. You kept the stare going to Dean until he opened the door and left.

"Okay, break over." You shot up quickly and reopened the laptop, eagerly to read what was on the screen.

Caught into the article about archangels, your eyes fascinated by the statements that were made in the article.

"Huh, can appear without anyone noticing. I know that's true." You lightly chuckled to yourself, immediately hearing the whooshing noise you heard outside. Your eyes widened, knowing exactly that you were no longer alone in the bunker.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" The familiar voice that echoed through your head for weeks immediately came back. Your body turned stiff, not having the muscle or the courage to glance back.

"Michael." You grunted.

"That's not how you greet your possessor." You felt Michaels face grin evilly. You continued to just stare straight ahead.

"Possessed? Please." You scoffed, thinking to yourself if you regretted it. You finally gained the enough courage to face your oppressor.

"Lucifer has some unfinished business with you, Winchester." Michael shot.

"Tell him to grow some balls and come himself. What, you his little messenger now?" You scan him, top to bottom, trying to gather his self esteem.

Suddenly, you felt your legs rise off the floor, glancing up to see Michael had you wrapped around his finger once again. By the movement of his finger, he flicked it and threw you against the wall, hard. You grunted in pain as the hard wood wall smashed against your head.

"Ah." You wince. "Sam and Dean will be here soon." You grimaced at Michael, holding the back of your pounding head.

"Then we must get a move on." Michael simply shot a smile at you. You backed up against the wall while Michael sped walked over to you. Your eyes widened, revealing Michael grabbing your arm harshly.

"No!" You screamed.

"Michael!" You heard a familiar voice that was close to you. Michael threw you back to the wall, only having your head pound more.

As your eyes were shutting because of the loss of blood you lost, you see two blurry visions defeating off Michael, knowing those were your brothers. You hear Sams voice echo over to you as your eyes shut completely and body rag dolled onto the cold wood floor.

Everything went black.

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