raising hell (y/n version part two)

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Back into the hunter office at the evac center, Dean hands out beers to everyone.

"Okay. Ketch, how are you here?" You asked, eyes puzzled.

"Oh, I-I just happened to be in the area when you sent out word looking for help with your little... situation." Ketch's eyes wandered over to Rowena.

"Oh." Rowena and Ketch share a romantic glance and everyone in the room turned uncomfortably.

"Right, well. That's... Lucky us." Dean he points at Ketch's strange gun, "What is that?"

"Uh," Ketch snapped out of it, "it fires iron flakes, expelling ghosts without harm to the possessed victim, courtesy of the British Men of Letters. I lifted it along with a few other... toys when I left." Ketch finished.

Rowena turns to you, "Dear? I'd prefer a wee shot of Scotch... if you have it handy." She pushed the bottled beer over to you. You and Sam shoot an annoyed look, but it was the least you could ever do for Rowena.

"Ah, a witch with fine taste. Rowena, I do hope there's no hard feelings still after our initial introduction. My people were holding you prisoner and..."

Rowena interrupted Ketch, "But you let me escape, and I haven't forgotten." Rowenas eyes fluttered at Ketch, obviously turning him on.

"Hmm." Ketch hummed.

"Rowena is working on a little gadget that vacuums up souls." You informed Ketch to hopefully get the awkwardness out of the room.

"Oh. Fascinating." Ketch mumbled, without breaking eye contact with her.

"It's what I do." Rowenas voice was flirty.

"Yeah, problem is... ghosts keep coming and the warding we put up is only gonna last so long, so... all hands on deck." Sam nods to everyone.

"Streets are quiet. Which just means they're planning their next move." Belphegor informed the group.

"Jack?" Ketch's eyes wandered to Belphegor.

"Um, no. I get that a lot." Belphegor chuckled, glancing over at you. You grunted in fury to yourself, Rowena noticing. She shoots you a look to calm down which surprisingly worked.

"So, Jack is..."

"Dead. Jack is dead." You finished the sentence, hating yourself every time you looked at him.

"Killed by God. I guess kid got under His skin." Dean shrugged it off. You glared over at Dean, not letting him see.

"And now I'm under Jack's. Yeah, literally. Belphegor's the name." He introduces himself to Ketch.

"You're Belphegor? And you're assisting Sam and Dean with this whole ghost business? This is awkward." Ketch sucked in with his teeth.


"Well, truth be told, in my current employment as a freelance contractor, I was asked to, um, assassinate the demon Belphegor." Belphegor explained.

"You're not here to help?" Sam questioned.

"Well, I certainly am now. I was told that Belphegor was a monstrous threat to humanity. Apparently not correct, yes, hmm?" Ketch turned to you, eye brows raised.

"Who told you that?" Sam asked, confused.

"An attractive female demon named..."

"Ardat." Belphegor finished.

"She doesn't like you." Ketch pointed to Belphegor.

"Point is... Don't kill him, alright? We need him." Dean demanded. "For now."

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now