Jack in the box (y/n version part two)

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Heading to the hospital where you heard Jack got into more trouble, you took out your badges to the nurses to see the one survivor that Jack didn't kill.

You, Sam, Dean and Cas walked into the room where Pastor Ames was laying, faced covered with blood marks all over him. You winced silently to Cas, "What did Jack do?" You angrily shot.

"Pastor Ames? Hi. Agent Kilmister. Clarke and Taylor. FBI. We want to ask you about last night. What happened to your congregation?" Dean questioned.

"You want to know w-They're all-They're gone. They're all gone." Ames stuttered, frighteningly.

"We're trying to figure out exactly what happened." Sam nodded surely.

"You're just gonna think I'm crazy. The cops did." Ames answered, body shaking.

"About that, uh, the police report stated that you said the group "disappeared" right in front of you." You read in the file out loud, glancing back at Ames.

"Yeah." He simply recalled.

"Did he say where he was taking them?" Sam asked.

"To Heaven. To become angels." Ames answered slightly confused on the topic.

"Did he look anything like this?" Dean pulled out a innocent picture of Jack. You glanced down, remembering you took that picture of him and explaining what a photo is. The good old times.

"That's him." Ames answered. "I tried to stop him, but-"

"And he did all this to you?" Dean questioned.

"He just waved his hand, and I landed on the floor, and these cuts opened up all over my body. And worms crawled out of 'em. Worms!" Ames exclaimed.

"Worms." You repeated.

"He said he was carrying out Heaven's orders and that I wasn't a believer." Ames tone of voice was shocked.

"Well, feel better." Dean shrugged, not knowing how to react to this.

You four walked out of the room with Sam closing the door behind him.

"Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and breathed his last." Cas cites again.

"Wait. So this is another Bible thing?" You questioned.

"What the Hell is going on?" Dean angrily states, walking down the hallway of the hospital.

Later that night back at the bunker, you were in the corner of the room, sipping on some coffee to calm your nerves. Shivers ran down your spine, trying not to think of killing Jack but to you, that was the only way.

Hearing a familiar knock on your door, Sam and Dean waltzed right in, revealing you in the corner.

"Hey, Y/N." Sam greets, sitting on your bed, not breaking eye contact.

"I didn't want it to come to this. But I know that that kid's head's not right. And now that Heaven has its hooks in him, we don't have a choice." Your voice was dull, eyes almost immediately shutting down because of how tired you are.

"Wait. Come to what? What are you talking about?" Sam questioned you, back sitting up straight.

"Stopping Jack. Once and for all." You simply reminded Sam.

"All right. Fine. Say I agree. Dean, he can't be killed." Sam acknowledged, scoffing.

"No, but he can be contained."

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