back and to the future (y/n version part one)

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Dean finding stone mausoleum in the graveyard, Sam and Dean barricade the door against the zombies as Cas carries Jack and you follow. Cas lays him down on the floor. You and Dean grab a piece of iron to hold the door with the ghosts.

"He didn't deserve this." Your voice echoed in the mausoleum. You glanced over at Cas, desperately wanting to heal him.

"Cas, is he here? C-C-Can you... Can you... ?" Sam stuttered.

"I don't think so." Cas mumbled, kneeled down next to him, caressing his head.

"So, what? Chuck throws friggin' zombies at us now?!" Dean scoffed angrily, pacing back and forth.

"I don't know if they're zombies, Dean. I think... I think whenever the souls came up from Hell that they... they just..." You shook your head, trying to make sense of all of this.

"They what? Just jumped into the nearest body?" Dean yelled at you, having your body jump by his voice.

"I guess, yes." You answered, lowly.

The undead rattle the doors and the barracade looks precarious.

"Is that thing gonna hold?" Sam questioned.

"The doors are banded iron, so it... I hope." You stare at the rattling door.

"Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End." What... What does that mean? Cas? Come on, man! Ideas! Can you smite our way out of here?" You yelped at Cas, who wasn't helping the case.

"No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Y/N. I... I don't know. They... They're ghosts, technically. Maybe... Maybe we can burn their bones?" Cas shrugged his shoulders.

"Burn their bones? Cas, their bodies could be anywhere." Sam informed Cas.

"Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w-what, starve to death?!" Your voice raised in anger.

"Well, I wouldn't starve." Cas informed you.

"Well, good for you." You smiled in a sarcastically,

"Son of a bitch. Chuck. Man, I knew it. I knew he would do something like this. He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the... with the... the robe and the beard and... the smile that's, like, half-nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out." "Oh, let me play you a song." Ugh!" You mocked annoyingly, kicking the side of a pole.

In the background, Sam goes to examine a part of the wall, kneeling down on the floor and pressing his ear to the stone.

"What do you got? Sam." Dean walked over, glancing at what Sam was looking at.

"You guys, I think hear water. There must be a-a drainage pipe or something." Sam listened in closely.

"Maybe a sewer line." You add.

"Yeah. Come on. Come on."

Sam and Dean pry away the stone with the iron rods they'd been carrying as weapons, but behind the stone is a brick wall. They begin smashing it with their rods while Cas stands in the background watching them. You were knelt down by Jack, knowing that this was all your fault.

"Cas, a little help here." Dean shot over at Cas.

One of the zombies crashes through the broken brick wall, and Cas lifts the stone slab and crushes it. The ghost possessing it flies away. You heard the noises and raced over there.

"Well, so much for the pipes. What the hell are we gonna do now?" You asked, helplessly. Having that feeling that someone was behind you, you all turn around to find Jack standing, waving.

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