peace of mind (part one)

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As you had a rough couple of days, you weren't going to let that stop you from doing what you do best. Catching monsters.

Tired of Sam, Dean and Cas asking if you are alright, you always give them the two word answer. I'm good. They are all smart enough to know you aren't, but you didn't budge for them to help you out.

Michael finally got out of your head. Thanks to Jack. You had to thank him for using most of his soul to kill him. You thank him about everyday, but it just seems like it's not enough.

In the bunker library, you hear footsteps crescendo through the bunker walls. You rolled your eyes immediately, knowing who it was going to be.

"Put that away. Get some rest." Dean shut the laptop on you as you were digging for a case. He's been bothering you the most with this.

You groaned quietly to yourself and glance up at him. "I'm good." You simply lie to him. "All good."

"Cas, Sam and I aren't convinced otherwise." Dean sternly told you.

"Then I don't know what else to tell you." You shot attitude at him and stood up, leaving the laptop on the desk.

You decided to check up on Jack, whose just as messed up as you are. You walked down the halls and knocked on his bedroom door.

"Hey, Jack?" The door was slightly open so you pushed it, walking in. He was putting his snake back in the cage and quickly glanced back at you without moving his body.

"I thought you were someone else." He quietly mentioned.

"Oh. Well, it's just me." You chuckled lightly, shrugging your shoulders. "Have you rested yet?"

"No, why would I?" Jacks attitude made you want to shoot some back, but you sighed heavily.

"Half of your soul is gone, Jack. How does that not bother you?" You shook your head, really trying to understand how Jack is keeping his cool on all of this.

"Michael is a threat. What good are my powers if I don't use them for the people I love." Jack turned to you, face to face angrily. You sighed, eyes tearing up.

"I don't know." You simply answered him. All of a sudden, Jack demonstrators levitating a pencil.

"I feel different than before." Jack doesn't keep his tired eyes off the pencil. You didn't know what to look at, the pencil or Jack.

"That's good, isn't it?" You questioned, not surely.

"I think it's time to feed Felix." He mentioned as he walked over to the snake. "Thanks for checking on me." He smiled weakly.

Knowing that it was your cue to leave and Jack didn't want to talk anymore, you shook your head in disbelief and walked out of the room and not bothering to close it behind you.

In the main room, you imagine the screams and the terror in your eyes of Michael being your grace for awhile. You almost tear up but you shook it off, opening back your laptop. With all the scrolling, you see that you found a case up in Arkansas.

You carry your tired feet down the hall and stopped immediately, hearing your two brothers talk and Cas in the kitchen.

"She won't listen to me. I don't know what else to tell her." Deans voice boomed as if it seemed like he had his mouth full.

"She always listens to you. You go talk to her." Sam mentioned. You knew that Sam was talking to Cas.

"She's so hard headed. She's going to get herself killed." Dean sternly told them.

You couldn't take it anymore so you stormed in and spoke without them saying a word, "Found us a case. Arkansas." You looked around the room, just seeing everyone one of them secretly judging you.

"We've just done three back to back hunts. I need some rest. At least a night. We both do." Dean informed you.

"Yeah, well. I'm leaving in ten minutes." You simply told them and walked out, hearing faintly Dean sigh in disbelief of your attitude.

You casually walked into your room and quickly packed a go bag. Knowing that one of them were going to walk in, you heard a knock.

"Yeah." You simply answered and before you could finish that word, the door was already open. Cas just leaned against the door and watched you pack. You turned to him, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"I'm good." Your voice turned monotone, stroking a piece of your hair to the back of your ear. "Ready?" Without an answer, you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room, followed by Cas.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now