Ch. 122 (pt. 1)

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(A/N: btw it's hard for me to write bc my space bar is acting up but I'm trying hahah I'm dedicated as fuck also tomorrow's Friday so this weekend prepare for hella updates 😂)

Time Skip 8 months

Cathy's POV

After the scandal at the first wedding attempt, Alex and I ended up waiting like 5 or 6 months for us to recover before trying again. But we did get married successfully with our friends and family there supporting us, just like we had originally planned. Alex ended up taking my last name because she didn't wanna be associated with her parents at all anymore. The baby was set to be due soon, and I couldn't wait! We decided to wait to find out the sex of the baby, but we already had names planned for either gender. For a girl, the name was going to be either Mila Jane Griffin or Piper Mae Griffin. For a boy, the name was going to be either Jack Daniel Griffin or Chance Andrew Griffin. Neither of us could wait for our new bundle of joy to arrive!

Time Skip 2 weeks

Cathy's POV

It was just a normal Tuesday, I was at home in my comfy sweats, watching TV and waiting for the baby to arrive, Alex was at work, Steph was napping, and the boys had friends over. Pres had Jackie and Casey over, and Gate had Angela, Donna and Hayes over. I got up to go get myself another pink lemonade, when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and I figured it was just the baby kicking so I didn't bother to tell anyone or do anything about it. But, a few mins later, it happened again. This time, I knew something was wrong and a few minutes later I went into labor! I called for Alex and we rushed to the hospital.

Time Skip a few hours

Cathy's POV

After a few hours of labor, it was finally time to give birth. After a grueling two hours of pushing and delivery, we finally had our baby, a beautiful baby girl named Piper Mae. As soon as I laid back on the delivery bed, the doctor said, "Ma'am I wouldn't rest too long if I were you, the other two babies should be along any minute." Wait....two more babies?!

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