Yandere!Lucky x Freddy

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A/N - Oof. If you don't feel bad for Freddy2 after this chappy, you are a monster. Thank you for the request, Whitecrystal346!

WARNING: Near-Rape and Suicide

Freddy's P.O.V

Lucky's been acting... strange. He's been stalking me everywhere I go. I have to kick his face just so that he won't follow me into the toilet!

I mean, he's a nice guy and a great friend, but he's just being so weird. I wonder if anything's wrong.

I slowly make my way down to the dining hall for dinner. Surprisingly, Kreacher wasn't already there. The man was always so hungry for food! Oh well, at least I'd actually get to eat my meal today. I've resorted to eating snacks Hyla delivers to my room ever since the food stealing had gotten too bad. It'd be nice to eat an actual meal.

I sit down at the table with everyone.

There he is again, just looking at me. More like... gazing? It feels uncomfortable. Right then, Emma talked to me.

"Mr. Riley! How have you been? Host-chan told me about how you've hardly eaten a normal meal ever since Mr. Pierson started stealing most of your food." Emma asked, concerned.

"Oh, it's okay. Anyway, the thief isn't here, so I'll be able to eat normally tonight." I gave Emma a smile and she returned it.

I was happily gobbling down my food when I noticed Lucky staring at me again. Except this time, there was a dark aura to his stare. It makes me even more creeped out, but I'm sure if there was a problem, Hyla would have solved it by now.

After the meal, the members of the manor started chatting with each other around the table. It was then when I noticed Hyla hadn't been around. Where is the girl? Eh, she probably other business.

"So, Riley." Came a voice behind me. I turn around to see Leo.

Well, fuck.

"What do you want, Beck?" I spat.

"Your head. Hyla's not around to defend your pathetic little ass, so guess what I'm about to do." Leo snarled before cracking his knuckles. He aimed to punch my face and I winced, preparing myself for the blow.

It never came.

I opened my eyes to see Lucky in front of me, his hand around Leo's fist that was aimed to my face. Lucky snapped Leo's arm and kicked his stomach, making Leo land on his back.

"Hyla might not be here to defend Freddy, but I'm still here." Lucky sneered. When Leo didn't respond, Lucky snapped his other arm and stepped on it.



Lucky turned around and faced me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I shakily nodded, not used to seeing so much blood.

"Why don't you go up to your room?" Lucky suggested.


Lucky led me up to my room. Right before leaving he shot me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, my dear Freddy. Your troubles will be gone by tomorrow."

I didn't know what he meant, but what harm was it? They were just words.

"Good night, Lucky."

"Good night, Freddy."

Lucky closed the door behind him and I drifted off into sleep.

Lucky's P.O.V

How many people have to bully Freddy for being weak? Those idiots just want to feel good about themselves.

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