Dare (@Krazichan)

105 4 37

Me: Not bothered to write the preparations, so you can search up the rules. Sorry. Oh, and here Krazichan since you dared this.

Me: *snaps fingers*

Me: Game start! My dad's gonna kill me if the midnight man is still here after the game ends, so survive because I need to perform an exorcism.

Jack: You can't do that!

Me: I'm the Host, I can summon the midnight man with a snap. Also, since we're both entities, I technically am safe along with all the others who have been teleported to a safe room with monitors. It's also midnight.

Jack: But it was morning a second ago!

Me: Don't be stupid.

Norton: Why don't I have a candle?

Me: Take the one on your head.

Norton: 'Kay.

Me: You'll see that you have a bag of salt with you.

Eli: I don't see it.

Me: Naib's the salt.

Naib: That makes no sense whatsoever.

Me: Okay, okay, fine.

Me: *snaps fingers*

Me: You guys each have a pocket watch kindly provided by my father. You'll know it's safe when it's 3:33 am. Good luck~

Me: *teleports away*

Robbie: I have a real bad feelin' about this...

*suddenly gets cold*

Robbie: My folks told me about this game. I'm outta here!

Robbie: *runs away to the opposite side of the manor*

Naib: So what, it's just a little cold.

Naib: *sees a silhouette*


Naib: *runs behind Robbie*

Eli: *follows*

Eli: So we're safe for a little bit. I'm going to send my owl.

Eli: *starts spectating others*

Robbie: His candle's out.

Naib: Eli, ELI!

Eli: H-huh?

Naib: Relight your candle!

Eli: W-wait, what? My matches, the matches! Where are they?

Robbie: It's too late, circle of salt now!

Eli: *creates the circle of salt*

Robbie and Naib: We're outta here, see you later!

Eli: Can't believe I'm already stuck in the circle...

Robbie: *gets lost*

Robbie: N-naib? Where's everyone?

Robbie: *looses candlelight*

Robbie: *relights candle in a flash*

Robbie: *runs*

Robbie: *looses candlelight again*

Robbie: *relights candle again*

Robbie: Stop screwin' with me! Go bother Jack!

Robbie: *feels warmth*

Robbie: Oh, he really is gonna go after Jack now...

Jack: ...

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