Dare (@Green-potatooo)

100 5 66

Black: An unusual request, Green-potatooo.

Norton: Yeah, unusual.

Me: Guys, if you want it to be over, then just get it over with. Got it?

Norton: Fine.

Black: I still don't get it.

Me: Doesn't matter, does it?! Get on with it now, chop chop!

Norton: What's up with the british accent?

Me: Been watching Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 too much lately, got attached to John Constantine's accent. Now start doing something before I blast ya all off t' hell like John does.

Black: God, that's weird...

Me: Bloody hell, do I have to kick you lot in the face before you do something productive?!

Norton: Okay, we're sorry, we'll hang out now. Happy?

Me: Yes, now I'm off for errands. Better not be doing something I don't like when I come back, got it?

Black: *rolls his eyes*

Black: Yes mom.

Me: *eyes glow red*

Black: Fuck fuck I'm sorry okay?!

Me: *eyes go back to normal*

Me: Good. I'll be back in a couple of hours, don't disappoint me. You know what happens when you do.

Me: *opens breach*

Me: *jumps though*

Me(faint): Hello, Klarion! How's my favourite witch boy doing?

*breach closes*

Black: So...

Norton: Uh...

Black: I stole the keys to the manor, wanna go out for ice cream?

Kreacher: Ooh, ooh, take me with you!

Black: No, this is a day by ourselves. Only me and Norton.

Kreacher: You can at least let me out!

Black: I feel mean today. No.

Black and Norton: *exits manor and slams door shut*

Norton: Joke's on you!

Kreacher: ...I only wanted ice cream...

Kreacher: *starts crying*

Servais: Stop being so sensitive.

Also Servais: *hugging Kreacher*

Black and Norton: *eating ice cream*

Norton: What else do you wanna do?

Black: Hm... Well, I have my powers, you have your magnets. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Norton: *holds out magnet*

Norton: Trouble making time.

Norton: *evil/cheeky(?) smile*


Black and Norton: *goes back to manor*

Norton: *high fives Black*

Black: Haha! That was awesome!

Norton: You were too! That part where you slowed down that asshole who shouted at you while he was on his skateboard so he hit the wall? Genius!

Black: So? When that drunk gay dude tried to harass you, you stuck him to the pole with your magnets then kicked him in his crotch!

Norton and Black: *talking about their chaos*

Martha: Wow, who knew those two would get along.

Martha: *takes a lick of ice cream*

Martha: Servais, this is great!

Servais: Aw, shucks. Nothing a little magic and talent can't do.

Naib: Why'd you make it anyway?

Servais: Upon Kreacher's request, in order to stop his godforsaken crying over not getting ice cream.

Also Servais(to Kreacher): H-hey, do you like it? I can make something else if you want-

Kreacher: *hugs Servais*

Kreacher: Thanks, Servais! You're the best boyfriend ever!

Servais: *blushing*

Servais: Y-you really think so?

Kreacher: Of course!

Kreacher: *kisses Servais*

Servais: o/////o

The Rest of The Manor: *dying of cuteness*

Me: *comes back*

Me: I'm back-

Me: *sees Servais and Kreacher*

Me: -Aaaaaand it's a private moment sorry for ruining it I'll be going now.

Me: *breaches back to the other universe*

Kurt: Well, since she won't be able to say it, toodles and see ya next time!

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