15!Freddy x Female!Reader

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A/N - You're gonna be my sissy! Also, I'm going to try a new writing style if that's okay with you. uwu

Not so long ago, in a manor not so far away, in fact we're right here in the manor, there lived a girl named Y/N.

Y/N: Hello!

She liked Freddy Riley, a lawyer whose morals were questionable. But then again, so were everyone else' morals in the manor.

Emily: Hey!

Y/N was the younger sister of the Hyla, a.k.a me. We were the daughters of the original host who had gone on vacation.

Y/N: I never knew father wanted to go on a vacation in hell until he did.

A little fact, Freddy liked her too. The only problem that stood in the way was me.

Freddy: Yeah, Hyla's so overprotective.

Okay, there were plenty of other problems. Like the fact that my 'lil sis is my 'lil sis meaning that she's too young to be dating Freddy.


You're 15, Y/N.

Y/N: Oh, right...

I didn't let Freddy near Y/N.

Freddy: It's not fair!

Neither is life, bro.

Freddy: ...

Anyway, one day, I came up with a solution. Either I age Y/N or I make Freddy younger.

Y/N: I wasn't going to let Hyla take away at least 20 years of my life.

I decided to turn Freddy 15.

Freddy: I was thoroughly pissed at this.

No one recognized him in the manor the next day apart from Leo because Freddy was 17 when they first met and me because I was the one who turned him 15. Freddy didn't know what was happening.

Leo: Pretty sure the man has no morals. Literally faked loving my wife to get everything I owned which was nearly nothing. At least he eventually loved her.


Leo(muttering): Sorry...

Y/N had no idea who he was.

Y/N: No duh sis, you halved the age of my crush.

May I present to you, Y/N's reaction:

"Hey, who the fuck are you? You know trespassing here is punishable by death! Now get out before my sis forces you six feet underground!"

May I present to you, Freddy's response:

"Y/N, is this a joke? Oh, I know, Hyla set you up, didn't she. Very funny."

Y/N: I still remember, Leo was trying not to scream and Hyla literally pushed her breakfast on to the table so that she could use the plate to cover her giggling.

Yeah, I went hungry that day. Anyway, here's what happened:

Y/N: How do you know my sister's name? What do you think you're doing? I'm not kidding, my sister will kill you.

Freddy: What?! I didn't do anything wrong this time! And plus, wouldn't Hyla just resurrect me after?

Y/N: How did you know that? Wait a second. Round glasses, white dress shirt and red tie- FREDDY?!

Freddy: Finally, the act's over.

Kreacher: Glasses, what the hell happened to you?

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