Chapter 4

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It's 8pm and Corbs is still having his fever, I have such a bad feeling that we decided that we would go to the hospital tonight. I'm now packing our overnight bags in case we need to stay. We've had some experience with hospitals so i know what to take with me, I also know that hospitals are expensive so it better not be something severe....

I help Corbs downstairs and i put him in the car, I'm kinda stressing now. I suddenly got the idea in my head that the leukemia could be back, he had that when he was 13 years old and he had his last check up 6 months ago... I take a deep breath and i get in the car. We drive to the hospital and i help him out of the car. I immediately grabbed a wheel chair cause Corbs is way to weak to walk by himself. How can he change so much in 1 day? This morning he was fine! And now he can't even walk by his own!

We're sitting in the office of the doctor and I'm holding Corbs hand, I try to stay strong but it's hard. The doctor said that Corbs has signs of leukemia but that he wasn't sure, so they ran some tests on him. I look at the clock and it's now 1am, I don't care at what time we get home but i do want to get home tonight. Cause if that's the case that means that it's not as severe as we thought!

The minutes go by very slowly, Corbs lays on a hospital bed and he's dreaming a lot. Sometimes he says something and he pinches my hand, but after 10 seconds he's quiet and sleeping again. I lay my head in my hand i feel the sweaty forehead i have. I look at the clock again, only 5 minutes have passed... Damn this takes waaayyy to long, I don't like it that Corbs isn't awake. I have to do this alone now...

After what felt like an eternity but where only 30 minutes the doctor walks back in the room. I'm really good at reading faces so i immediately see that the doctor doesn't have good news. I feel a sharp pain in my chest and i force myself not to cry, I don't even know what the doctor's gonna say yet. Keep yourself together Besson!

"Well I have good and bad news miss Besson" he says and i nod, I knew it! "Well uh what's the bad news?" I ask, I always start with the bad news so the good news can cheer me up. "Well the leukemia is back" he says and my whole world just falls apart. My best friend, my only friend is sick again.... And not just sick, leukemia is a life threatening sickness, please let the good news be good! I just don't know what the hell I would do without him :'(

"The good news is that it's only in his liver, so we can use chemo and if that doesn't work we can operate" the doctor says and that kinda cheers me up, but also doesn't... Chemo is a really intense medicine and the last time Corbs had it he was so weak and sick..

I talk some more with the doctor and the he tells me that we can go home and that Corbs needs to be in the hospital tomorrow at 3pm to talk about the chemotherapy they're gonna do. A nurse helps me get Corbs back into the wheelchair and i bring him to the car.

After a looong night we're finally laying in bed, I don't think i'll be able to sleep at night but i'll survive. I've survived with no sleep before.

I change the wet towel on Corbs forehead every 15 minutes. When i'm not doing that i check his temperature or look outside. I love looking at the stars! Me and Corbs both love astrology and if i had enough money i would even wanna study that! It's the only thing i'm really good at, the rest just sucks and is boring so i don't wanna invest my time in it. 

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