Chapter 10

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When my first work shift is almost over Carla walks up to me, it's not crowded at all now. At 10 am it was very very busy and I had to do a lot, but it was kinda fun though! "Okey so you're really good! The customers like you so this afternoon you can start with serving too, that means you'll get a raise!". The word raise makes me happy! A smile appears on my face. "A raise?" I ask and I wonder how much. "Now you earn 5 dollars an hour but then you'll earn 7 dollars an hour" Carla says. I nod, that's a pretty good raise! I look at the time and I see that it's already 11.15 am. "You can go now and I'll see you at 4 pm right?" Carla asks and I nod. "Till what time do I need to work?" I ask, "Till 12, so till midnight, that's fine right?" she asks and I nod, "Yeah that's fine!" Carla walks away and I walk back to the little clothing room in the kitchen, I quickly change back into my clothes and I rush to my car. I have no idea how long I need to drive to get to school. I open google maps on my phone and I start driving.

I arrive at exactly 12, I smile. I like this waaayy more than being early, I love it when I'm just in time. I get out of the car, I pull my hair out of my ponytail. I go through my hair with my hands and I enter the school. I haven't seen anyone of that group with kids who were playing with me in the store. I look around me and I search for the principal office. There are no signs or anything so I have no idea where the hell I should go. I see this guy standing by the lockers so I walk up to him, "Hi can I ask you something?" I ask and the guy looks up from his phone, he has an Iphone 11 pro?! Oh gosh those things are expensive. "Uh yeah sure" he says while he scans me, I feel awkward in my cheap clothes. "Uh I need to go to the principal's office" I say and the boy just keeps looking at me with a judgy look. "Oh well you need to go all the way straight and then it's the blue door to your right" he says and I nod, "Thanks" I say and he shrugs his shoulders. I turn around and I start walking away, I feel like I'm being watched and I don't like it. I look over my shoulder and I catch that guy looking at me. He quickly looks back to his phone, I shake my head and I keep walking. When I see the blue door I knock on it. There's a sign next to it which says principal's office so that boy wasn't playing with me. "Come in" I hear and I open the door carefully. I see a huge man sitting behind the desk, and when I say huge I mean HUGE. I sit down in the chair across him and I look at my hands. "So you are Elle Besson right?" he asks and I nod, "Yes that's me" I say and I look up and look him straight into the eyes. "So where's your brother? It says here that you guys were supposed to be here with the two of you" he says and he looks at me with an amused look. I frown, "Well then you got the wrong information, it changed yesterday, it says now that I am the only one coming to school here" I say and I smirk. What does that man think, that he can intimidate me? That he can make fun of me? Oh no he definitely got the wrong one with me. The man his face expression changes from amused to neutral. "Oh well in that case, welcome. You'll get a tour when the school year starts. Do you have any questions?" he asks and I shake my head no. "No I don't" "Okey good, when the school year starts in 4 weeks you have to come to me again so we can discuss your schedule and fix your tour" he says and I nod. I get up from my chair and I walk out of his office. I wonder why it's so busy in the school right now, it's summer vacation right? I stand up straight and I exit the school.

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