Chapter 7

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Corbs lays on his bed with a wet towel on his head when i get home, I sit down at his bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders. "I've been better" he says and a weak smile appears on his face. I'm not gonna bother him with my lovely adventure at Wallmart. I bet that he's gonna worry bout me and that he will go to school with me. I don't know why people always like him and hate me?! Like i am his freakin twin!! I do know why i am bad at keeping friends, I always start with pushing them away till i trust them. And well they just don't stick around for that long. I lay down next to him, "school starts in 4 weeks, maybe i can beat cancer before that" Corbs says, I smile. "Well if that was possible then that would be great", Corbs puts his arm around me and pulls me closer. "What would i do without you" he says and i laugh, "What would I do without you!" i say and he laughs, "Okey well maybe i would survive" "Hey!" i say and i playfully slap him. "No but seriously Elle, I am really thankful i have you" he says, "Well i am happy that i have you too".

We just lay on his bed for a while till our stomachs start to growl, "Should i make some food?" I ask and Corbs laughs, "YES".

I shake my head and i get up from the bed, "I'll make mac n cheese" Corbs just nods and lays back down. He starts with the chemotherapy in 2 days. I have an appointment at my new school tomorrow at 12 so that's exciting. Well no it's not, school is such a waste of time. Plus i'm going to start with work!!

When I'm done with cooking i bring it to Corbs his bed, "Here you go" i say while i help him sit up straight and hand him a bowl with mac n cheese. I grab mine too, I sit down next to him and i turn on my laptop. "What you wanna watch?" I ask while i search up youtube, yeah we don't have netflix, do you have any idea how expensive that is!

"Uhh something funny" Corbs says I nod. I just put on a random video, we both just eat in silence. I am pretty scared for tomorrow, I have my first work day!! What if i run into those kids again?! Oh gosh that would be so humiliating!

When we're both done I clean up our bowls, I grab my laptop and i make a new wet towel for Corbs. I hope he's gonna be okey tomorrow since i'll be gone the whole day. I help Corbs lay down in his bed and i walk to the door, "good night Corbs" I say and i look over my shoulder. He's already asleep, I smile, he looks so peaceful. I walk to my room, I need to learn how to sleep alone. I sigh, I change into m pj's and i lay down. I feel that i am really tired and that my eyelids slowly close. 

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