Chapter 48

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The girl walks to the principal's room and she gets in, I hope that she's the student who's gonna tour me cause she seems nice. I just sit there waiting till she gets out of his room. I grab my phone again and i start scrolling through some old pictures. I hear the door opening again, "Hi are you Elle?" I hear a guy say. I look up from my phone, "Yup that's me" I say and i smile. He smiles back at me and we walk out of the room, "So are you the student who's gonna give me a tour through the school?" I ask and the boy starts to laugh, "Oh no! Daniel made sure he's the one who's giving you the tour" he says and the smile i had on my face immediately disappears. "Soo where are we going?" I ask, "Ohh we're walking to your first class, Daniel texted me that he was gonna be late so i had to bring you to your first class" he says and i nod. Okey it is kinda nice of Daniel that he makes sure i find my first class but still. "Here's your schedule" he says while he hands me a piece of paper, "Thanks!" I say. "So this is English and you can sit wherever you want!" the guy says, I want to thank him but he's already gone when i look over my shoulder. I'm standing there by the door and I look inside the classroom, there are only a few people inside. I take a deep breath and i enter the classroom, I walk to a table in the middle by the window. I sit down and i put my notebook on my table, I grab my pen and i write English on the cover of my notebook.

When the minutes pass more and more people enter the classroom, there's still no sign of Daniel. I also haven't seen Samantha or another member of the gang. The classroom is still pretty empty when the teacher enters the room, she sits down and she just looks at he notes. After like 5 minutes Daniel enters the room together with some other guys, they all spread out and of course Daniel sits behind me. Cause of my long hair it's a bit on his desk, "Sorry" I say while i grab a hair tie from my wrist and i start with making a braid. "Oh it's fine!" he says while he grabs the hair tie and he puts it in his pocket, I frown but i don't bother to say anything. When the class starts i try to pay attention but my i lose my interest fast. I just start looking out of the window when i feel something pulling my hair, I annoyed look over my shoulder and i catch daniel braiding some small pieces of my hair, "Didn't know you could braid" I say while i pull my hair out of his hands, "You don't know that much about me" he says while he smiles, I just shake my head and i continue to look outside.

When english is finally over I get up from my seat and i put the notebook and the pen in my backpack. "Follow me!" Daniel says and he exits the room, I quickly follow him, we walk through the stream of people, I look around me and i still haven't seen Samantha. I am kinda relieved about that tho. When we arrive at the next classroom Daniel stops me before i enter, "This is history, prepare yourself cause mister Scott is quite boring" Daniel says, I laugh, "Wow did i just hear you laugh?" Daniel says and he acts like he's shocked. I just roll my eyes and i enter the classroom, I sit down by the window. I love to just look outside if the class gets boring. I grab my schedule and i look what else we're gonna do today, "We also have introduction today at 11" Daniel says while he sits down behind me. I just nod and i put the schedule away. The history lesson goes by very very slow, Daniel was right mister Scott is super boring. When the bell finally rings i immediately get up and i grab my backpack. Daniel walks next to me and he tells me where the cafeteria is, "Oh and we have try outs for the cheerleaders, basketball team and baseball team" he says and i nod. I'm not gonna try out for any of those, I don't even have time for those things. I need to earn money so i am working a lot. When we arrive at the next class I see that it's art class. I always kinda liked these classes but that's just cause i could use my astrology knowledge for my artworks. I sit down at a table, there are this huge tables and a random girl sits next to me, I can see that Daniel doesn't really likes that but he sits down across me. A different guy also sits down at our table, then the teacher enters the room, it's a very young woman. "Hello i am miss Baker" she says and she explains us what we're gonna do this semester. I like her, she doesn't immediately starts with giving boring speeches about history or english. Even though i like her i still can't keep my mind with the subject, thoughts just keep rushing through my mind, when she's done with talking everybody just starts to talk to each other. "Hey what's your name?" the girl next to me asks, "Oh hi, my name is Elle what about yours?" I ask, "I'm layla!" she says. She starts to talk about how boring her weekend was and that there were way to less parties. I just laugh when she tells me that there's a new party this weekend and i should totally some, "I don't know" I say while i play with the pen i have in my hands. "You should come Elle" Daniel says but i don't listen to him, "See even he thinks you should come! It's gonna be so much fun!" she says, "Fine, I'll go" I say and Layla smiles "Good" she says.

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